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Manor estate 1950 to 1980

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92 Fairleigh, we left in 1952 when I was aged 5, it was my grandparents tenancy, they moved in well before the war, they were Ernest and Nellie (Mary Ellen) Marshall, my mother was another Nellie and my auntie was Doreen.


I have a great recall of it, including the Maypole and the Co-op, there was a very old man called Mr Moxen who lived in one of the oap flats, a police officer named Dusforge who lived opposite us, and a barbers shop named Toms that bordered the back of our rear garden. Our gardens were immaculate, I've no idea what they are like now.

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hi im new to the forum. I lived on stanground at 21,from 1949 to mid fifties. Our next door neibours were named pratt, raymond he kept pidgeons his younger brother was richard,nextto them were named field ,he was a st john ambulance man,next were pickfords ,they had a girl named tina.others i recall are duggans (pat) brian wayland,billy farr and shirley/valerie dent.val married my cousin david.i also recall the fountians plus two sisters from the next road over ,audrey shirt and her older sister ???, sorry(kodak moment),oh no ,ialmost forgot one of my oldest friends ronnie stanley at 33.happy days.eightlegger[/QUOT..E]


hi i lived at 21 stanground road after u my name is elaine bolsover .i lived there untill 1971 when i got married.i do remember all the people u wrote about.the renshaws are my cousins .my grandmother lived at 18 her name was holmes.they were good days on the manor .

hi ELAINE.i remember you.athough i believe that you are much younger than me. Was you're mums name IRENE?,the RENSHAWS were the people that i've been racking my brain about,trying to remember,thank you.I remember your grandmother very well,and the ROBINSONS of course. Do you ever see any of them,JOYCE, MAUREEN ,etc?Please give them my regards if you do.thank you.My dad once ran a street trip to BLACKPOOL LIGHTS,it was supposed to be one coach(KIRKBY"S HARTHILL)but so many wanted to go ,that we had three coach's,and in spite of torrential rain most of the day everyone said it was the best trip they had ever been on.maybe some of your older relatives may remember it.We were like drowned rats.HAPPY DAYS.eightlegger.

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I lived at number 41 from 1949 to 1961 arriving at 1-2yrs old & leaving at 12-13.

I grew up with the Fountains kids, John, Peter and Joy, plus Christine Antibush, when they moved on, the Duggans boys John and Kevin with Brian Rogerson who lived opposite became our gang. Brian went to Pipworth Rd School, the Duggans to St Theresa's and I went Prince Edwards at Manor top on the tram.


We played street games, explored the woods and old bomb shelters; sledging down Fairfax Rd in winter and cycling into Derbyshire when I got a bike from Langsett's for my 11th birthday.


I used to get a lift to school with Shirley Young whoes Dad had a Jag being a mechanic.


Good memories.

Hi there A.M.HOUSLEY, i remember the FOUNTAINS my brother went with one of the girls for a little while,i think her name was EILEEN,would that be correct? Did you know the dents?SHIRLEY and VALERIE,they must have live pretty close to that number.VAL, later married one of my cousins from FRETSON RD. I used to chum around with PATRICK DUGGAN,when you asked at the door if PAT was coming out to play,his dad would reply"we don't have a pat here//,but we do have a PATRICK.Anyone know what happend to them.?Funny you should mention Langsett cycles,as i knew MR SMITH (ALAN) ,who was one of the owners of LANGSETT,through my brother who was his son-in-law.bye for now. eightlegger.

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I lived on The Circle from 1955 to 1960 when we moved to Harborough Avenue. We lived at no 73 The Circle. Does anyone remember the Wheelhouses from the Crossways and the Troughtons from Archdale Road, also Ronnie Bennet who I think lived on Fretson road near its Junction with Harborough Avenue. Also the Buxtons from Fretson Road. What a long time ago!!!

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I lived on The Circle from 1955 to 1960 when we moved to Harborough Avenue. We lived at no 73 The Circle. Does anyone remember the Wheelhouses from the Crossways and the Troughtons from Archdale Road, also Ronnie Bennet who I think lived on Fretson road near its Junction with Harborough Avenue. Also the Buxtons from Fretson Road. What a long time ago!!!


Hi there, Tara Misu,you must have known the HORANS, i think they lived at 61. I was at school with DERECK,also i used to deliver milk for the co-op on THE CIRCLE at that time,on the right, entering the circle from RAVENCAR, i think at about the second two block up, a girl aged about two used to wait for me every morning and call out milky boy' milky boy.I would give her one of those one-third pint bottles for herself. We named our first daughter KAY after her.Wonder how she fared in life? she would be in her mid-fifties now.Did you know the SUTER'S from FRETSON RD,? I'm related to them.Nice talking to you. eightlegger.

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I remember Darren West well, he was in my class at Woodthorpe School, yes he was always a small lad..... another friend from Stanground was Karen Archer, she lived close the the Hastilar end of the road, near back of Springwood.

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Do any of these names ring a bell: Dave Mossman, John Day, Tony Wespy...all on Paulet Road. Norman Elgy (known as 'no no'), also a tearaway nicknamed 'Spyder', never did know his real name, both from Darcy Close. Eddie Lister, Brian Jacobs and Stuart Lynley all on Fairfax Rd. Then there was John Connely and David Cooper and the Pollards, who always had the earliest (and biggest) bonfire going on Guy Fawkes night, all on Stanground Road. The future 'World's Strongest Man', Jamie Reeves, lived next door to me, Brian Moss, on Ravencarr Rd with his brother Jock. Days were a lot safer then. I feel sorry for todays kids.

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