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Manor estate 1950 to 1980

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hi annjune do i know you .i left you a message earlier re weeds opposite steel inn.i also remember the days. didnt they live on motehall road.i also remember the smiths who i think lived up near the wreck near archdale. i also knew a family called the kitchens of which one of the girls was a good friend of mine.


lived opposite standhouse school marie and pauline they lived next door to starmoores

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  • 2 weeks later...
hi me and my family lived at number 32 darcy close my mum and dad are raymond and linda fiddler we lived them from approximatley 1977 to just before they were pulled down i think we all still live on manr estate currently we lived next door to the marsdens and marion and tony moorhouse
did linda ever work at cocker brothers down the cliffe ?
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I was born on the manor back in 1975 and lived there for some 18 years. I recognise most of the names in this thread. No doubt the children of those of you peeps that made the manor a great place to grow up on. Hodgsons, Petticans, Renshaws and Smedley's were all common place names when i was a wee nipper.


The only person missing from my time is Troggy. He may have been a scruffy old so and so but he never hurt a fly that i knew of.

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  • 4 months later...
hi im new to the forum. I lived on stanground at 21,from 1949 to mid fifties. Our next door neibours were named pratt, raymond he kept pidgeons his younger brother was richard,nextto them were named field ,he was a st john ambulance man,next were pickfords ,they had a girl named tina.others i recall are duggans (pat) brian wayland,billy farr and shirley/valerie dent.val married my cousin david.i also recall the fountians plus two sisters from the next road over ,audrey shirt and her older sister ???, sorry(kodak moment),oh no ,ialmost forgot one of my oldest friends ronnie stanley at 33.happy days.eightlegger[/QUOT..E]


hi i lived at 21 stanground road after u my name is elaine bolsover .i lived there untill 1971 when i got married.i do remember all the people u wrote about.the renshaws are my cousins .my grandmother lived at 18 her name was holmes.they were good days on the manor .


Hi, I was born at 27 Stanground Road in June 1955 Tina Pickford is my big sister

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i was born on archdale road in 1950 lived there till i was about 17[1967] i remember the starsmores terry was the same age as me ,i also remember the kitchens we lived next to standhouse school number 95

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Hi, I was born at 27 Stanground Road in June 1955 Tina Pickford is my big sister


Hi,there,johnny p,nice to know you.I knew TINA quite well,as all us kids on the street,often all played a lot of the st.games together--kickcan,hide-n-seek,skipping,knock-o-nine doors etc.great fun. How has life treated your sister and family?,i believe she is quite a bit older than you,if my memory is correct.Didn't she go to NOTRE DAME?as did my sister EILEEN.I am living in CANADA,close to VANCOUVER.Which part of SCOTLAND are you living in?My name is arthur suter,e-mail is sooty4@shaw.ca.Look forward to hearing from you.Bye for now eightlegger.

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i have relations who lived on standground road sanderson was the name they were my late husbands relatives not sure of the number my husband lived on prince of wales road corner of ravencar rd.

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