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Miss USA - Rima Fakih

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She's also a Christian.


on that wiki it states

"Fakih and her family are Muslim, but they also celebrate elements of Christianity, such as Christmas."

and she also attended catholic school

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She is a beauty and a well deserved winner.

I don't think the USA should be congratulated, since when do we congratulate on the basis of not being racist?

I think it illustrates that her religion and ethnic origin was never an issue for the people of the USA, indeed it is only an issue to those that choose to highlight it, as demonstrated by the OP.


No, just congratulate them on being sexist instead!


There is a history of ethnic women winning Miss USA, as far as I'm aware.

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No, just congratulate them on being sexist instead!


There is a history of ethnic women winning Miss USA, as far as I'm aware.


From the wiki link

"Fakih is widely believed to be the first Lebanese American, the first Arab American and the first Muslim to win the Miss USA title; however, pageant officials stated their records are not detailed enough to confirm these claims The first Michigan delegate to win the Miss USA title, Carole Gist, became the first African-American Miss USA in 1990.[5]"


so only since 1990?

which is still a major thing seen as they were still hanging black people from trees in certain places in america after that time

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Well, the country has a black President after all!

yup, wonders never cease


how many muslim or black people do we have as politicians let alone that are ever likely to get the top job and people still rant about theyre taking over the country lol

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yup, wonders never cease


how many muslim or black people do we have as politicians let alone that are ever likely to get the top job and people still rant about theyre taking over the country lol


She's clearly not a devout Muslim otherwise she'd have no business parading around in a swimsuit.


Baroness Warsi is a Muslim. She's the only one I can name off the top of my head, there are a few others whose names escape me at the moment.

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She's clearly not a devout Muslim otherwise she'd have no business parading around in a swimsuit.


Baroness Warsi is a Muslim. She's the only one I can name off the top of my head, there are a few others whose names escape me at the moment.

ashok kumar was the most prominent one around here but sadly he died a couple of months ago, did a lot for the local area too.


and yeah on the wiki link i gave about Rima it states


"Many Arab Americans celebrated Fakih's victory,[7] but some Muslims felt she did not properly represent their religion. Muslim scholar Ghazal Omid wrote "To say that she is a Muslim is inaccurate. No Muslim woman can call herself a ... Muslim and be on stage with her bikini".[20] Responding to the issue in interviews, Fakih said she and her family are Muslims and respect the religion, but they may not be as strict as many people and do not define themselves by their religion; they view themselves as more "spiritual" than "religious" and appreciate all religions"


in other words shes just like the rest of us really, say wer're christian or whatever but only in a spiritual / name type thing rather than practice it to the letter.

again it just goes to show despite what certain people on here would have you believe they are not ALL bomb toting extremist nutjobs out to kill us all

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