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Miss USA - Rima Fakih

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Another one that's got a paranoiac streak ..Psst check my joining date and this bangingmans last post date.Somebody tried that the other day.... are you a sad one as well that has no answer so tries to get people banned ?



You must be gutted with the Toytown result, did you go?

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indeed, looks like it, has there been an uproar over there that i imagine would happen over here?
Not a bit of it, she's a beauty, well groomed, intelligent. Hiding that under a Burka would be a shame, ansd shame on those who enforce it.:)
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ooh the reverse racism card *ouch*

as ive previously said I AM going to show positive sides to muslim people wherever i find them, just to counter the constant stream of negatives (spouted daily on here both true and complete lies)


so enjoy :)

This nation's history in regard to race is dismal, especially in the south, but today there is unrestricted interracial marriage, with celebration in whatever color you like. There are many senior southern politicians who are black. Muslim women are treated with the same courtesy as anyone else. I won't say its perfect, far from it, but it is upward. I remember a time in England during the war when ***** American soldiers were treated by we British with a lot more gratitude than they got back home. We liked them. But the movement toward racism in Britain has gone the other way. So those of you who would slam us, look around you.:)
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This nation's history in regard to race is dismal, especially in the south, but today there is unrestricted interracial marriage, with celebration in whatever color you like. There are many senior southern politicians who are black. Muslim women are treated with the same courtesy as anyone else. I won't say its perfect, far from it, but it is upward. I remember a time in England during the war when ***** American soldiers were treated by we British with a lot more gratitude than they got back home. We liked them. But the movement toward racism in Britain has gone the other way. So those of you who would slam us, look around you.:)


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I heard nothing about her religion but PLENTY about her participating in a pole dancing contest.




Everyone is missing the point. Any young woman who participates in these (usually) rigged pageants is looking to break into show business, any way they can. Remember Vanessa Williams?




Miss Fakih is not trying to make a statement by being the first girl of her religion or ethnicity to win. Trust me, that doesn't even enter into the equation unless she can milk it for more publicity. I'd bet my left boob she wants a show business career and is prepared to do just about anything to get it. If that includes parading about on stage in a swimsuit and answering inane questions, then so be it. Good for her for winning, those pageants are cutthroat! Any girl who wins is no shrinking violet. I get the feeling she can take care of herself.


She's a beautiful girl but there are lots of beautiful girls, especially where she wants to go. Good luck to her, she's going to need it. What's more American than naked greed and ambition? In that regard, I'd say she's melted right into the pot.

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This nation's history in regard to race is dismal, especially in the south, but today there is unrestricted interracial marriage, with celebration in whatever color you like. There are many senior southern politicians who are black. Muslim women are treated with the same courtesy as anyone else. I won't say its perfect, far from it, but it is upward. I remember a time in England during the war when ***** American soldiers were treated by we British with a lot more gratitude than they got back home. We liked them. But the movement toward racism in Britain has gone the other way. So those of you who would slam us, look around you.:)


Oooo good post.


Let's keep it secret that the 1994 Miss UK was a devout Muslim, that went unpassed.


SF is an absolutely useless judge of people's opinions. The forum is essentially a kind of crap megaphone in a reverse tardis type room.


(Sorry that really was a crap metaphor/ simile/ analogy/ synecdoche - just covering my bases).

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