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BPs oil spill..

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I was wondering what sort of comments or thoughts people had on B Ps oil spill in the USA, dosen't seem much said about such a disaster ,Tony Hayward hasn't done much so far but had a few posed photos shoots walking along a beaches....cameras following of course .

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its absolutly terrible what a disaster for our enviroment this is going to have very serious implications on the wild life sealife and us all around the world we all share this life on earth and it will have another domino effect beating our planet up some more i just pray they can cap it up equally all the oil that has now been wasted what does that mean and how will that effect the world as we are so reliant on it its certainly a major concern

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Some say that it is Halliburton's oil spill and that the US government regulators are equally to blame for not having regulations that are as tight or implemented as well as elsewhere in the world.

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It's very, very serious. Somebody on one of the US TV channels queried whether they were pumping a much larger quantity of chemical dispersants than they are admitting. Some of the dispersants are much more toxic to marine life than the oil. So on top of the oil possibly billions of gallons of chemicals too. And now the really bad bit - in theory the dispersants can be sucked up in the water vapour when clouds are forming and then fall later in the rain and damage the food chain on the land too. Also some people are saying that the dispersants are being used to prevent the true scale of the disaster becoming clear, i.e. by preventing it reaching the surface. Scary stuff

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This is mother natures punishment for raping our planet once too often.



Human greed and bloodlust for power will destroy humanity.


It's kind of ironic that the most oil hungry country in the world is being damaged by this

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