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Expenses scandal - Now it's Danny Alexander's turn

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I somehow don't think that he will be joining the 4 Labour MPs who are up before the courts over their expenses claims, not if this is their best shot.


I agree, but It doesnt matter now, its printed, and some people will believe anything they read, which is a shame. Its all about finding cracks for some people.

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and some people will believe anything they read....


...up to a point. When the Telegraph is forced to publish an apology for claiming he dodged tax when he quite obviously did not, the same people who believed the original story will refuse to believe the correction.

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...up to a point. When the Telegraph is forced to publish an apology for claiming he dodged tax when he quite obviously did not, the same people who believed the original story will refuse to believe the correction.


I wish that wasnt true....but it probably will be.

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possibly, but i imagine its the ones with slim majorities over the lib dems who are the most worried.


essentially leftish voters have two choices labour or libdem, if the libdems prove they have the ability then floating leftish voters will switch to the libdems leaving labour out in the cold. this is essentially the reverse of what happened in the 1920's as labour grew in power and the liberals faded.


Hmmmm. According to Ming Campbell on Straight Talk the other night the younger generation of Lib Dem pariamentarians are more rightish than the old guard. That is certainly where Nick Clegg is coming from. I can't see that particular brand of liberalism appealing to leftish voters. The party took a bit too much of a step to the right for its own good. That is why I think it is finished.

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