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Battery chickens

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I am horrified at people who are happy to buy battery chickens because free range are too expensive for their family:loopy::rant::rant::gag:


Just think what you are putting into your children???? Even if you don't give a **** about the chicken you should care enough about your kids not to feed them hormones.


I do care about the chickens and it makes me sick!

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Unless you live near a farm or know the butcher as a personal friend - how do you know? How do you know your free range chicken is actually free range and not some battery chicken? Do they have special markings on them, other than the label on the packaging?


Free range eggs are another thing. How do you know your expensive free range eggs really are? Unless you take them directly from the chicken.


Are you suggesting that there are enough free range chickens to cover the needs of the entire country, or that some people should go without?

With an ever growing population, can we really afford the luxury of everything being free range and organic?


I am not a chicken lover - as in the meat. It always tastes a bit bland to me so I do not eat it very often.

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It doesn't just stop at chickens either! I won't buy pork / bacon unless it has a union jack or RSPCA label on it. Battery pigs are legal in some countries in Europe but banned in the UK. No disrepect for chickens but pigs are much more intelligent animals. I've seen programs of them shaking & ramming the cages as they physically go insane from the frustration! They are sociable animals & not meant to be kept like this.


In fact in this day & age should we really be having any battery bred animals at all no matter what animal???


P.s good luck with the chickens & pat on the back to you. Hope they reward you in more ways than just the obvious.

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Unless you live near a farm or know the butcher as a personal friend - how do you know? How do you know your free range chicken is actually free range and not some battery chicken? Do they have special markings on them, other than the label on the packaging?


Free range eggs are another thing. How do you know your expensive free range eggs really are? Unless you take them directly from the chicken.


Are you suggesting that there are enough free range chickens to cover the needs of the entire country, or that some people should go without?

With an ever growing population, can we really afford the luxury of everything being free range and organic?


I am not a chicken lover - as in the meat. It always tastes a bit bland to me so I do not eat it very often.


Free range meat is usually firmer, moister, has more flavour and less fat. It could have come from an entirely different species. On of the telltale signs that you've bought a battery chicken is a scold or burn mark on the parsons nose which they get from sitting in their own poo. With eggs the yolks are larger and have a stronger flavour.


You can definitely tell the difference.


I'm hoping to be moving to a house with a reasonable sized garden in the next couple of weeks. Once I'm in and have proved myself to the landlord I'm hoping he'll let me adopt a few ex battery hens. Fresh eggs on a daily basis... What's not to like?

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The only two questions we need to know about chicken is does it taste nice and is it good value for money.


When you buy some apples or potatoes you don't worry about whether the fruit and veg had a nice life, you just accept that its whole purpose in life is to be food for humans.

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The only two questions we need to know about chicken is does it taste nice and is it good value for money.


When you buy some apples or potatoes you don't worry about whether the fruit and veg had a nice life, you just accept that its whole purpose in life is to be food for humans.


Ok you carry on eating the growth harmones mate. Ignorance is bliss!

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Unless you live near a farm or know the butcher as a personal friend - how do you know? ...


The difference is clearly evident in the quality of both the eggs and the meat. You also have to hope that there is some kind of policing of these things.


I do believe they are phasing out battery farms. Hopefully barn will go next. They should just be banned right now. My heart will never bleed for the "poor" farmers who will lose their income.

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Good luck with your ex batts timmy.


We have hens in our garden, thought about rescue but decided against it, due to various issues they can have. Our girls give us enough trouble as it is!!


Thier feathers will grow back in no time. !!


They will however develop some great personalities while u have them and you will love them i am sure:)

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