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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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I would be interested to know what makes you think Obama is anti-british?


I can't find any evidence of this although our torture of his grandfather in Kenya as part of the "Mau Mau" uprising would be a pretty good reason for most people.






Mr Obama's tough rhetoric against BP, which is being held responsible for the crisis, has started to create irritation in Britain, with several leading conservatives accusing the US president of xenophobia.


Mr Obama has been repeatedly referring to the company as 'British petroleum', a name that has not been used in years.




Lord Tebbit, former trade and industry spokesman, lambasted the president for his response to the crisis.


"The whole might of American wealth and technology is displayed as utterly unable to deal with the disastrous spill - so what more natural than a crude, bigoted, xenophobic display of partisan political presidential petulance against a multinational company?" he wrote.

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Hear, hear.


Who will you be supporting?;)



I love em both so I will be watching from a neutral point of view and wish them both well.


It will be starting 10:30 AM our time. Bit too early for beer for me but I think I'll make an exception this time :)

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'British Petroleum'


No it doesn't, Obama is the only person who still calls it that.


It hasn't been called British Petroleum since they merged in 1998 with Amoco, American Oil Co, formerly Standard Oil and source of the Rockefeller family wealth. They became BP Amoco then in 2001 they dropped the Amoco part of the name to become simply BP which stands for nothing at all. It's just two letters.

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I've always been curious, but never got round to asking. Are buck and Harleyman now actually accepted as Americans, or are they still British?


They seem to have developed a real dislike of their country of birth. They seem to revel in anything bad that happens to UK, no matter how tenuous the link. Is it like ex-smokers are always the biggest pain? They've certainly taken on the persona of the adopted country.


And yet the real Americans Happy Hoosier, Sierra and Cotton-Top are really nice!


Are they stalkers? They seem to know where we go:o and how far:D



'Thats because you drive little cracker boxes and only drive as far as the supermarket or pub and back'


quote Harleyman '

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What does BP stand for then? Beep Beep? Did the management get the idea from the Roadrunner cartoons?


I think it stands for 'Apiarian Urine' - The company didn't want to use 'Au' because people might've thought they were over-charging for their product.:hihi:


If 'BP' is going to be known as 'British Petroleum' will AOL be happy to be called 'America On Line'? (They get really upset if you call them that ;)) And should Exxon be referred to once again as 'The Humble Oil & Refining Company'?


Given that one of the constituent parts of BP is a company called 'Amoco' (The American Oil Company) and given that the oil spill occurred in the American Part of BP (Amoco?) is the oil spill the fault of British Petroleum or the American Oil Company? Or neither?


Perhaps Mr Obama is trying to shift attention away from his (apparently) very slow reaction to the problem onto somebody else.


'Big Oil' doesn't have a very good reputation in Louisiana. - I understand that 'Mr Go' (a channel which caused much of the problem in 2005 during Hurricane Katrina) was built largely to help 'Big Oil'. There has been considerable criticism voiced by many people on the gulf coast about the lack of control over the Oil Industry by both the Federal and the State governments, and presumably Mr Obama doesn't want any of the sh*t which is flying around to stick to him.


The spill is a huge disaster. It's going to cost 'Big Oil' (In this case, Amoco ;) ) a lot of money, it's going to cost the states with coastlines on the gulf a lot of money, it's going to cause massive damage to the environment and it's going to cost a lot of people - including those who work in tourism, those who fish for a living and those who work in the oil industry - a lot of money and possibly their livelihoods.


Not all of the job losses will be caused by the accident itself. Mr Obama's reaction has been to impose a 6-month moratorium on offshore drilling. That will put a lot of Coon-Asses out of work.


An accident is an accident and accidents do sometimes happen, but could it have been prevented had the Federal Government done its job properly? (A question which perhaps Mr Obama wouldn't like to hear asked too loudly.)


According to Bobby Jindal (the Governor of LA): "People in Louisiana shouldn't have to lose their jobs because federal officials failed to properly regulate the oil-and-gas industry..."


Perhaps Mr Obama thinks that if he can shift the blame onto the Brits, less will come his way.

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