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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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I think that 'loosely translates as "kicks their ass" ;) To be fair these aeroplanes are far removed from the original warbirds but what a tribute to the original engineering they are especially when you consider how they differ - the Sea Fury's radial donkey smashing through the air compared to the streamlined elegant efficiency of the P51.
That was a Bristol Centaurus engine driving a massive five blade prop. Like all radials it sounded like ten Harley Davidsons at fiull throttle. The Merlin engine has a sweet sound to it on a P51 or a Spitfire, but a radial would keep on running with major damage, unlike a liquid cooled engine.
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I see Tony Hayward has returned to the UK and is now on his 52 foot yacht sailing up and down the pristine English coast.


This man is not only an incompetent but a public relations disaster also.


Someone at BP should start to wise up and pack him off to retirement at his luxury estate in Chertsey or wherever he calls home

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I see Tony Hayward has returned to the UK and is now on his 52 foot yacht sailing up and down the pristine English coast.


This man is not only an incompetent but a public relations disaster also.


Someone at BP should start to wise up and pack him off to retirement at his luxury estate in Chertsey or wherever he calls home


Why would they want to do that, they'd let him take all the stick and then replace him when the mess has been sorted. So people associate the foul up with him.


To call the coast of the English Channel pristine is a long stretch though.

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Why would they want to do that, they'd let him take all the stick and then replace him when the mess has been sorted. So people associate the foul up with him.

To call the coast of the English Channel pristine is a long stretch though.


As the old saying goes the buck stops at the top. He's been reaping all the generous benefits of being the CEO of one of the world's largest oil companies up to now

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As the old saying goes the buck stops at the top. He's been reaping all the generous benefits of being the CEO of one of the world's largest oil companies up to now


The buck will stop with him, I'm sure, but what BP will do is allow him to carry on taking the blame whist the situation is still fubar. When BP start to get on top of things i wouldn't be surprised to see him replaced, to signify a new beginning for the company. They can't do this whilst they're still struggling to manage the situation.

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I see Tony Hayward has returned to the UK and is now on his 52 foot yacht sailing up and down the pristine English coast.


This man is not only an incompetent but a public relations disaster also.


Someone at BP should start to wise up and pack him off to retirement at his luxury estate in Chertsey or wherever he calls home


Apparently George Bush visited a tall building after 9/11 and Obama went swimming when New Orleans flooded.

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B) Tokenism... hmmm nothing racist or nasty in your comments, despite their obvious stupidity. :rolleyes:


Well, as somebody who doesn't hesitate to abuse posters who hold contrary opinions to you (that'd be the majority, then), that's a bit rich.


I believe there are striking parallels between Obamas and Tony Blairs elections to power.


  • People were sick/tired/bored by the previous administrations and wanted a change.
  • Both were young(ish) and promised to 'do things differently'.
  • Both had/have the flimsiest idea of how to put their policies into work once in power.
  • Both had simple manifestos - 'Things can only get better' and 'Change' - which can hardly be accused of having substance.
  • The electorates are/were extremely simple and gullible (not that you'd find many people owning up to voting for Blair now)
  • Blair was welcomed because he was seen as a change to the established order and Obama simply because he was black (ditto the main reason - the other being that she's female - for Diane Abbotts nomination).


So, sorry if that's seen by you as 'nasty', 'racist' and 'obviously stupid' (you missed 'Daily Mail' there). I guess I'll have to join millions of others (including the BBC who, to this day advertise about 'the first black president') who know this to be the case.


But, of course, people only see 'nastiness', 'racism' and 'stupidity' when it suits their own, narrow agenda.


Oh dear. I can feel a response coming up, backed up as ever by a link that suits you, and only you. Here. I'll do it for you.



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Well, as somebody who doesn't hesitate to abuse posters who hold contrary opinions to you (that'd be the majority, then), that's a bit rich.


I believe there are striking parallels between Obamas and Tony Blairs elections to power.


  • People were sick/tired/bored by the previous administrations and wanted a change.
  • Both were young(ish) and promised to 'do things differently'.
  • Both had/have the flimsiest idea of how to put their policies into work once in power.
  • Both had simple manifestos - 'Things can only get better' and 'Change' - which can hardly be accused of having substance.
  • The electorates are/were extremely simple and gullible (not that you'd find many people owning up to voting for Blair now)
  • Blair was welcomed because he was seen as a change to the established order and Obama simply because he was black (ditto the main reason - the other being that she's female - for Diane Abbotts nomination).


So, sorry if that's seen by you as 'nasty', 'racist' and 'obviously stupid' (you missed 'Daily Mail' there). I guess I'll have to join millions of others (including the BBC who, to this day advertise about 'the first black president') who know this to be the case.


But, of course, people only see 'nastiness', 'racism' and 'stupidity' when it suits their own, narrow agenda.


Oh dear. I can feel a response coming up, backed up as ever by a link that suits you, and only you. Here. I'll do it for you.




my bold


Obama won the election on a popular vote not because he was black but despite being black. If he received any sympathy vote at all, then it was in reaction to the racist negative campaigning from some in the right wing media like Fox. That is why people talk about 'the first black president', not because it was a sympathy vote or some sort of reverse racism. :rolleyes:


The simple fact of the matter is that Obama was the best candidate for the job, more convincing than the republicans and more convincing than Hilary Clinton.


Your reduction of the decision made by the US electorate to people voted for Obama because he was black is stupid, ignorant and racist.

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my bold


Obama won the election on a popular vote not because he was black but despite being black. If he received any sympathy vote at all, then it was in reaction to the racist negative campaigning from some in the right wing media like Fox. That is why people talk about 'the first black president', not because it was a sympathy vote or some sort of reverse racism. :rolleyes:


The simple fact of the matter is that Obama was the best candidate for the job, more convincing than the republicans and more convincing than Hilary Clinton.


Your reduction of the decision made by the US electorate to people voted for Obama because he was black is stupid, ignorant and racist.


There is little doubt (because a number of people admitted doing it) that Obama received a number of votes from people who voted for him because of his skin colour.


So what? - There are many people who vote for a candidate because he is from a particular party and they always vote for that party (irrespective of its policies.)


As you said, Obama was more convincing than the Republicans and more convincing than Hilary Clinton. He got the job.


His anti-British rhetoric is unfortunate, but whether it will help him or hurt him remains to be seen. It seems very likely that Hayward will leave BP after the problem has been resolved - but I doubt he will be seen with a begging bowl on a street corner anytime soon.


If it turns out that the regulations governing the oil industry in the US are too lax, or if it turns out that the US government failed to require (and fund) enforcement of those regulations then Obama is likely to be blamed.


Interesting development on the news this morning:


A Deepwater Horizon rig worker has told the BBC that he identified a leak in the oil rig's safety equipment weeks before the explosion.


Tyrone Benton said the leak was not fixed at the time, but that instead the faulty device was shut down and a second one relied on.


BP said rig owners Transocean were responsible for the operation and maintenance of that piece of equipment.


Transocean said it tested the device successfully before the accident.


Somebody is telling Porkies then, aren't they? Is Mr Benton making up a story about a failed part or are Transocean lying about their test? - They can't both be telling the truth.

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