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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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Whatever the outcome of the investigation and who shares the blame is irrelevent at the moment. BP profted from the operation, BP has the big big bucks and hundreds if not thousands of people who earn their living from the Gulf are now out of jobs or facing financial ruin. Tony Hayward has publicly acknowleged that BP is to blame and agreed to cover the costs which will amount to billions.


As for Obama "looking for a cause" what would one expect him to do in such a situation?

People in the Gulf states are as mad as hell and he is on the firing line alongside Hayward

I hardly think that he is looking at this situation as some kind of "god send"


I had very high hopes of him, he appeared to be a cross between JFK and Martin Luther King Jnr, Hillary Clinton would have (IMHO) made a far better president. So go for it Mr President, carry on killing thousands whilst you send in a bill for a few billion dollars, you aspire to be another Tony Blair.


When history is written he will just go down as being the USA's first black president.

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I had very high hopes of him, he appeared to be a cross between JFK and Martin Luther King Jnr, Hillary Clinton would have (IMHO) made a far better president. So go for it Mr President, carry on killing thousands whilst you send in a bill for a few billion dollars, you aspire to be another Tony Blair.


When history is written he will just go down as being the USA's first black president.


Oh dear :hihi: I wondered when someone would bring up Afghanistan etc etc

Are you so absilutely unknowledgeable and naive to believe that Obama could just say "we're ouuta there?" and that's it

This is a NATO operation. Do you know what NATO is? What about all the NATO countries who have troops there also. What would happen of the US just copped out and left them to deal with it

It will take time to remove ourselves from that country and there are far more intricacies involved than you or I would ever know


As for JFK he wasnt around enough to be historically regarded as amongst the great presidents. He screwed up on the Bay of Pigs and led Kruschev to believe that he was naive and inept hence the Cuban missile crisis a year later


Martin Luther King was a great leader amongst the black Americans and it was a tragedy that he was murdered before he was able to do much for them. Had he lived a lot of the riots which foollowed his death might not have happened

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I'd prefer to wait until a proper and impartial investigation has been carried out thank you.


Meantime just cough up the bucks BP and try at least to stop the leak or do they expect Obama and the US Congress to go down there and do it themselves?

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Meantime just cough up the bucks BP and try at least to stop the leak or do they expect Obama and the US Congress to go down there and do it themselves?


What's your point? From what I've seen so far they are paying out everything that is required under the known circumstances and have done since day one. No doubt a proper impartial investigation will reveal the facts in due course.


Or do you expect that Obama and Congress already know all the answers? So far they have behaved like judge and jury passing sentence - a kangaroo court if you like.

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There is little doubt (because a number of people admitted doing it) that Obama received a number of votes from people who voted for him because of his skin colour.


So what? - There are many people who vote for a candidate because he is from a particular party and they always vote for that party (irrespective of its policies.)


As you said, Obama was more convincing than the Republicans and more convincing than Hilary Clinton. He got the job.


We are in agreement then, describing Barack Obama's election as tokenism amounts to an extraordinary level of ignorance. That is hard to explain in polite termsl.


I don't agree with your point that Obama has been 'looking for a cause' (he has been criticised for not taking it seriously enough in the US), I was not commenting on way or the other. I was critising Grafikhauses comparison of of Obama with the truly odious Diane Abbott. The only obvious thing that they have in common to me seem to be that they are both black.

It's a daft as comparing David Cameron with Norman Tebbit!


Going off topic here but I disagree with you about Diane Abbott. She is certainly not perfect, but neither is she odious.


Obama has been looking for a cause, he didn't managed to pull the troops out of Afghanistan within 365 days of his presidency. His health care bill was vehemently opposed, this oil spill is a god send to him, this is nothing different to Jim Hacker sticking up for the Great British Sausage.


BP is 40% UK owned, 39% US owned and 11% owned by other investors, he is simply playing politics, this is a one term president if I've ever seen one.


The health care bill alone shows he doesn't need another cause.


He has managed to achieve CO2 emissions cuts already and is set to do more to regulate the oil industry, something the "drill baby, drill" republicans have consistently opposed.


Maybe Obama is a one term President, maybe not, but you should credit him for doing what he was elected to do.

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