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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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What's your point? From what I've seen so far they are paying out everything that is required under the known circumstances and have done since day one. No doubt a proper impartial investigation will reveal the facts in due course.


Or do you expect that Obama and Congress already know all the answers? So far they have behaved like judge and jury passing sentence - a kangaroo court if you like.


Perhaps, had BP been honest and Tony Hayward would stop lying everytime he opens his mouth, he wouldn't make BP such a big target?

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What's your point? From what I've seen so far they are paying out everything that is required under the known circumstances and have done since day one. No doubt a proper impartial investigation will reveal the facts in due course.


Or do you expect that Obama and Congress already know all the answers? So far they have behaved like judge and jury passing sentence - a kangaroo court if you like.


The focus of any blame is always placed at the entity it is perceived to blame and that should be patently obvious.


They can carry out all the investigations they want to, drag in every Tom Dick and Harry to share the blame but the fact is Hayward had publicly and verbally admitted to the blame and BP will foot the cost and that's it


The point is however that it was bad PR for Hayward to go racing his yacht up and down the English coast at a time like this. It makes it appear that overall he doesn't give a damn and has only served to inflame public opinion in the affected areas.

Someone should have warned him about doing this and the media here are having a field day over it

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The point is however that it was bad PR for Hayward to go racing his yacht up and down the English coast at a time like this. It makes it appear that overall he doesn't give a damn and has only served to inflame public opinion in the affected areas.


Only in the minds of the deluded and easily led I'd say, but sadly there are plenty of those folk to go around for it to have an effect where there should be none.


He's shown £20bn of contrition so far; perhaps he is just an ordinary bloke who also needs to spend time with his family during the most stressful episode of his life?

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Obama won because Oprah told every one to vote for him


No, he won because it became obvious to all but the most fanatical and the most stupid that the US had been being run by a bunch of incompetent crooks who had overseen the destruction of the global economy, and whose party were fielding a man whose age was clearly taking it's toll on his mental and physical faculties, backed up by a bigot who talked almost entirely in slogans and soundbites and who was clearly designed to appeal to the kind ignorant morons who seemed to believe America was on a good course, long after it had become obvious to anyone with even half a brain that this was not the case.

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I'd prefer to wait until a proper and impartial investigation has been carried out thank you.


That said, there is a world between being at fault and taking responsibility.


There is indeed, which is why you were incorrect to say BP is not responsible.

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US business is taking the US government to court to knock some sense into them.


The Guardian: US Gulf oil drilling ban is destroying 'eco-system of businesses'

The moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico is destroying an entire "eco-system of businesses", lawyers from the oil industry seeking to overturn the ban told a court today.


The US government imposed the six-month moratorium in the wake of the oil disaster last month. But oil services companies say the ban is illegal and threatens to wreak further devastation on the local economy, resulting in tens of thousands of job losses.


Louisiana-based Hornbeck Offshore Services, backed by more than a dozen similar firms who work for companies like BP drilling in the Gulf, are seeking an injunction against the ban.


After today's hearing in a New Orleans federal court, independent lawyers said there was a good chance that the judge would rule in favour of the industry. Judge Martin Feldman, in Louisiana, said that he would make his ruling by Wednesday at the latest.




Meanwhile, Obama and his industry regulators are starting to look less than squeaky.


New York Times: Regulators Failed to Address Risks in Oil Rig Fail-Safe Device

An examination by The New York Times highlights the chasm between the oil industry’s assertions about the reliability of its blowout preventers and a more complex reality. It reveals that the federal agency charged with regulating offshore drilling, the Minerals Management Service, repeatedly declined to act on advice from its own experts on how it could minimize the risk of a blind shear ram failure.


It also shows that the Obama administration failed to grapple with either the well-known weaknesses of blowout preventers or the sufficiency of the nation’s drilling regulations even as it made plans this spring to expand offshore oil exploration.




Nothing is as straight forward as a politician would have us believe.

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