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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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Only in the minds of the deluded and easily led I'd say, but sadly there are plenty of those folk to go around for it to have an effect where there should be none.


He's shown £20bn of contrition so far; perhaps he is just an ordinary bloke who also needs to spend time with his family during the most stressful episode of his life?


An ordinary bloke that tried to downplay the effects of a disaster he was responsible for?


Here he is after 32 million gallons of toxic oil had spilled in to the gulf toxic sludge had started to ooze onto Louisiana’s wetlands, and oil globs and tar balls were appearing on barrier islands and beaches along the northeastern Gulf Coast.


I think the environmental impact of this disaster is likely to be very, very modest. It is impossible to say and we will mount, as part of the aftermath, a very detailed environmental assessment as we go forward. We’re going to do that with some of the science institutions in the U.S. But everything we can see at the moment suggests that the overall environmental impact of this will be very, very modest.




Not really as contrite as you might have expected. The $20 billion slush fund is now 2 months in to this tragedy, something Obama has had to squeeze out of him, not something that was volunteered.

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An ordinary bloke that tried to downplay the effects of a disaster he was responsible for?


Ah yes, you are right. He should be on his knees, bloodily crawling between Louisiana and Washington to be beaten in turn by shrimpers and Congressmen.






Putting it as right as possible as quickly as possible is all that matters for the foreseeable future. Blame is irrelevant and distracting.

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The focus of any blame is always placed at the entity it is perceived to blame and that should be patently obvious.


They can carry out all the investigations they want to, drag in every Tom Dick and Harry to share the blame but the fact is Hayward had publicly and verbally admitted to the blame and BP will foot the cost and that's it


The point is however that it was bad PR for Hayward to go racing his yacht up and down the English coast at a time like this. It makes it appear that overall he doesn't give a damn and has only served to inflame public opinion in the affected areas.

Someone should have warned him about doing this and the media here are having a field day over it


I don't begrudge him the boat trip and Tony is partly right in that BP is not solely responsible. They are however the largest owner of the Oil rig and Haliburton's role was a subcontracted one. They are the ones that have to take the blame now and to sort out later where the failures came from and the consequences of that.


Saying it is not our fault it was the bolt manufacturer's fault or whatever is just plain stupid.


What has compounded Hayward's problem is the insensitivity with which he had BP more generally have handled this. Spending £50 million on PR, whilst they are messing around the fisherman that have lost their livelihoods or his continuing evasiveness to Congress aout what happened. Is much better reason to condemn him than a boating trip.




Incidentally how is it that the republicans aren' doing badly out of this? For every stupid thing Haywood has said they have been saying far worse. And what planet is Palin on? send in dutch dike builders to sort it out? :hihi:

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Only in the minds of the deluded and easily led I'd say, but sadly there are plenty of those folk to go around for it to have an effect where there should be none.


He's shown £20bn of contrition so far; perhaps he is just an ordinary bloke who also needs to spend time with his family during the most stressful episode of his life?


There's no delusion about what the oil leak has done in the Gulf though.

I dont know what your media has shown so far.


If the arrogant and indifferent attitude shown by most posters on this thread is representative of people in Britain as a whole then it's small wonder that there is so much ill feeling going around. Tony Hayward pictured sitting on his yacht certainly leaves himself open to such an impression


The guy is an idiot, no idea of what good PR is and doesnt have a clue on what to do about the leak except to buy time on the media for a three minute message airing his lame apologies

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There's no delusion about what the oil leak has done in the Gulf though.

I dont know what your media has shown so far.


If the arrogant and indifferent attitude shown by most posters on this thread is representative of people in Britain as a whole then it's small wonder that there is so much ill feeling going around. Tony Hayward pictured sitting on his yacht certainly leaves himself open to such an impression


The guy is an idiot, no idea of what good PR is and doesnt have a clue on what to do about the leak except to buy time on the media for a three minute message airing his lame apologies


To be fair to Tony Hayward, there are far more qualified people than him trying to take care of the leak, what could he actually do?

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I don't begrudge him the boat trip and Tony is partly right in that BP is not solely responsible. They are however the largest owner of the Oil rig and Haliburton's role was a subcontracted one. They are the ones that have to take the blame now and to sort out later where the failures came from and the consequences of that.


Saying it is not our fault it was the bolt manufacturer's fault or whatever is just plain stupid.


What has compounded Hayward's problem is the insensitivity with which he had BP more generally have handled this. Spending £50 million on PR, whilst they are messing around the fisherman that have lost their livelihoods or his continuing evasiveness to Congress aout what happened. Is much better reason to condemn him than a boating trip.




Incidentally how is it that the republicans aren' doing badly out of this? For every stupid thing Haywood has said they have been saying far worse. And what planet is Palin on? send in dutch dike builders to sort it out? :hihi:


Just typical of the head of a large corporation. Bankers continued to give out bonuses after they were bailed out with tax payer money and General Motors executives all flew in their private jets to Washigton to beg for aid for their almost bankrupt enterprise.


Insensitivity is part of the makeup of modern big business sad to say

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