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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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From today's Eye

Number Crunching


People killed in accident on oil rig leased by British company BP, resulting in four presidential visits, a $1.6bn clean-up and the establishment of $20bn compensation fund in 2 months



People killed in an accident at Bhopal plant owned by American company Union Carbide, resulting in 0 presidential visits, no clean up and $470m compensation in 25 years

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So what's your point? Bhopal has nothing to do with the thread subject

Nor does this

Well at least you seem to know more than friend Tony whose brain in my opinion moves a bit slower than his mouth


or this

Hey run for PM. Your country needs you


or this

I think keeping the mullahs hiding in their caves and killing a lot of their goons has diverted their attention from planning terrorist attacks.


So I guess my point is, I can post what I like :)

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Just one point. Tony Hayward is a geologist and not an engineer, big difference. Geologists deal with ifs and maybes, whilst engineers deal in calculations and figures.


[it's nit picking because all your other posts have shown more sense and understanding of the issue than the rest of the forum put together.]


Apologies, it was 22:21 and I'd been enjoying a few glasses of wine earlier in the evening. It's entirely possible that I didn't know my sleeve from my grouting at that time.

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Nor does this



or this



or this


So I guess my point is, I can post what I like :)


So STILL what's your point? Is your referring to Bhopal in your mind the idea that the BP disaster is some sort of "divine retribution" for the callous indifference of Union Carbide and that therefore the hardship and suffering of those in the Gulf should therefore be treated with a measure of lesser compassion?


BP is not Union Carbide nor Union Carbide BP. Geddit?

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So STILL what's your point? Is your referring to Bhopal in your mind the idea that the BP disaster is some sort of "divine retribution" for the callous indifference of Union Carbide and that therefore the hardship and suffering of those in the Gulf should therefore be treated with a measure of lesser compassion?


BP is not Union Carbide nor Union Carbide BP. Geddit?


How about Occidental, the US company that owned and ran the Piper field in the North Sea. Their piper Alpha platform blew up in 1988 in the worst ever offshore oil disaster in terms of lives lost (169).


Their executives fled to the USA out of reach of any legal action in the UK.

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So STILL what's your point? Is your referring to Bhopal in your mind the idea that the BP disaster is some sort of "divine retribution" for the callous indifference of Union Carbide and that therefore the hardship and suffering of those in the Gulf should therefore be treated with a measure of lesser compassion?


Where did you get that idea from?

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How about Occidental, the US company that owned and ran the Piper field in the North Sea. Their piper Alpha platform blew up in 1988 in the worst ever offshore oil disaster in terms of lives lost (169).


Their executives fled to the USA out of reach of any legal action in the UK.


Drilling for oil isn't that far removed for mining for coal. Everyone wants a lot of both and accidents happen along the way.


The fault in the Gulf is shared by BP, Transocean and to an extent the government.


My beef is with the attitude of Tony Hayward and his unprofessional PR.

he might be CEO but he should never have been the spokesman and the attitude of some posters on this thread especially those with anti-American tendencies who have suggested that the whole blame should be placed upon the Americans and BP the good guys who were unaware of what the problems were with that rig. Yes they knew and turned a blind eye but at least they've stepped up to the plate and taken the blame

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