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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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Finally it looks like there's no more oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico, which is great news -




But the odd news is that the US now wants to ban BP from doing any offshore drilling for 7 years - they have to be crazy.


BP have done everything they can to help in this situation. I'm currently working with someone from Louisiana, over here in Europe as the job he was on was cancelled by Obama's moratorium on drilling. He says the people over there are glad the accident happened on a well drilled by BP. Very few other companies would have had the money or resources to deal with a blowout on this scale and would have gone bankrupt in weeks leaving the cleanup and costs to the US people.


If the 7 year BP ban happens, what's the betting that the BP assets get handed over to one of the big US oil companies like Exxon?

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Ugly item in the news the other day is that BP were very influential in getting that Lockerbie bomber freed in exchange for a billion dollar oil deal with Khadaffi.


The official excuse for freeing the bomber was that he had only about three months to live but that was a year ago and he's still alive

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Maybe it's BPs fault, maybe not. They need a full public inquiry to determine that once all the evidence is gathered. One huge piece of evidence is the Blow Out Preventer which remains on the seabed for now.


However it might still be the drilling rig owners fault even if BP told them to do something crazy. It's the rig owners responsibility to protect the rig and the people on board and that was another company, Transocean. I've seen it many times where the rig owners say "No" when the oil company instructions contravene their own safety rules.


Time will tell.

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There's some great conspiracy theories here. It was Eco Terrorists, a North Korean submarine or a part of a US government plot to impose martial law:




Why doesn't it surprise me Rush "big fat idiot" Limbaugh thinks it is the work of Eco-terrorists. :rolleyes:

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The new cap has been installed on the leaking oil pipe and is undergoing test. So far so good. The leak has stopped but the engineers would like to see a bigger increase in PSI. In general though they appear to be pretty optimistic


According to the latest news the British government have now admitted that the release of the Libyan Lockerbie bomber on medical grounds was a mistake.


There is evidence to suggest that the government was approached by BP to release the bomber as a move to be granted off shore drilling rights by Khadaffi worth a few billion dollars. This is according to Khadaffi's son.


There is speculation that the doctors who examined the bomber prior to his release may have had their findings influenced.


The bomber is still alive and well one year later although it was said at the time of his release that he was at deaths door almost. A Libyan spokesman claimed that being reunited with his family again was the reason for the bombers sudden "recovery"


A British spokesman stated that the decsion to release the bomber was "A Scottish decison"


Since when did Scotland become a separate nation from the United Kingdom?

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