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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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How much BP profit is going into the pockets of it's British management?


Or indeed its American management who run the US operation of BP. Probably just the going rate for oil executives otherwise they'd go and work for one of the other companies.

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NOTHING will get done until Tony Hayward gets his head out of his ass. he comes on TV talking all bloody posh and does nothing.


Apart from writing out a billion quids worth of purchase orders for his American branch formerly known as the American Oil Company to try to sort out an oil spill in teh Gulf of Mexico.

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Or indeed its American management who run the US operation of BP. Probably just the going rate for oil executives otherwise they'd go and work for one of the other companies.


I'd like to see all the bu**ers rounded up, taken down to the Gulf, issued haz mat gear and told to get cracking alongside the victims of all this.


On second thoughts no haz mat gear just gloves and wellies

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If millions of gallons of oil was flowing onto the shores and beaches of Skegness, Bridlington, Filey and Scarborough you might be singing a different tune methinks


Imagine if it was, OMG the forum would crash :hihi:

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Oh! and to answer the OPs question, why do Americans blame BP for the oil spill, I think maybe it's because BP stands for British Petroleum...summat like that.
Ah-ha, the truth will out ... you mean they're blaming BP only because they think the B stands for 'British'?


So much for the 'special relationship' ... :(

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Ah-ha, the truth will out ... you mean they're blaming BP only because they think the B stands for 'British'?


So much for the 'special relationship' ... :(


What special relation ship ? with who..the Brits. :hihi:

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There's a lot of speculation that BP will be bought out by either Exxon or Shell as their share price has gone so low now.


Article here - http://ftalphaville.ft.com/blog/2010/06/01/248666/bp-a-takeover-target-part-ii/


There was a lot of sense in this paragraph -


'As painful as it may seem, the oil industry has just learnt a great deal from the five week “experiment” to control and stop the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The learnings from this period make another such accident less likely globally, and therefore the key findings should (and most likely will) be spread to virtually every deepwater hydrocarbon basin in the world. The result should be a safer drilling environment for the deepwater, not a long term US or global moratorium for deepwater drilling, despite the political cries for such a decision.'

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I'd like to see all the bu**ers rounded up, taken down to the Gulf, issued haz mat gear and told to get cracking alongside the victims of all this.


I'm reading about Louisiana rig inspectors receiving 'gifts' from drilling firms and falsifying records because they didn't actually do the inspections.


I'm reading about Senators fiercely opposing legislation to bring vehicle efficiency standards up to those in Europe.


I'm reading about Obama licensing new drilling in the sensitive east coast ecosystems.

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