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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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You're accusing the French of not knowing even that...


Maybe those French people who really follow the business news but the majority like any place else are most likely too preoccupied with their own local affairs to give much thought to big foreign corporations and their daily shenanigans or at least were before the Gulf oil leak hit the headlines world wide

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To those who say that BP have failed in trying to fill up this hole and stop the leak (I agree they have failed, durrr)... what would you or the American government have done differently?



Like i said earlier, this thing doesnt happen everyday, this time the worlds best minds will have to come up with a new solution, then next time it happens the world will be prepared.


The US gov would not have done any better than BP at trying to stop the leak.

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If millions of gallons of oil was flowing onto the shores and beaches of Skegness, Bridlington, Filey and Scarborough you might be singing a different tune methinks


Imagine if it was, OMG the forum would crash :hihi:


Especially if it worked it's way up the Don :hihi:


I think we'd be rubbing our hands together if it flowed up the River Aire ;)

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To those who say that BP have failed in trying to fill up this hole and stop the leak (I agree they have failed, durrr)... what would you or the American government have done differently?



Like i said earlier, this thing doesnt happen everyday, this time the worlds best minds will have to come up with a new solution, then next time it happens the world will be prepared.


The US gov would not have done any better than BP at trying to stop the leak.


So you're defending a company that because of lax safety measures have practically killed hundreds of miles of coastline? Maybe if you depended on the wildlife and waters to keep food in your families stomach you might have a different attitude.

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Where does he defend BP in his post?


All the posts I've read that he's posted on here seem to be blaming everyone except BP.


If I was a large company who ran an oil pipe under a city and that pipe broke causing massive damage I would be to blame. I'm not sure who else could be at fault.

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This is a clip from Rachel Maddow's recent MSNBC news program. Here she compares the respective oil company's reponses to the 2010 Gulf of Mexico spill with an almost identical spill that occured in 1979 (except that the 1979 spill occurred at a much shallower depth). What she clearly shows is that whilst advances in technology have enabled deeper drilling, absolutely no advances have been made in dealing with large-scale disaster scenarios.



BP is irresponsible because it is trying to curb a spill using methods that have already been proven not to work in much better conditions and they have obviously not supported any research into improved safety systems.


However, it is the public's relentless demand for cheap oil that is ultimately to blame for this tragedy because our money and attitudes support this industry. This should be a red light to everyone that attitudes to gasoline, pesticide and fertiliser use (all products of cheap crude oil) and our current consumption levels need to drastically change.


With huge amounts of CO2 soon to be pumped into Saudi Arabia's largest and now dwindling oil field Ghawar (see link below) in order to force more oil to the surface (this field currently supplies 25% of world crude supply) oil companies are forced to go further and further off shore which leads to dangerous conditions both for workers and the environment, as well as into areas that are either geopolitically unstable, such as west Africa (leading to minor wars) or are wildlife protection zones such as the ANWR region of the Arctic. Is this really the legacy we want to leave to future generations?


Be the change you want to see in the world.


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All the posts I've read that he's posted on here seem to be blaming everyone except BP.


If I was a large company who ran an oil pipe under a city and that pipe broke causing massive damage I would be to blame. I'm not sure who else could be at fault.


I think he's saying that other people are to blame as well as BP. I'm sure that he can speak for himself though.


It's important that other organisations and individuals are not let off the hook if there is genuine blame to apportion. However what we seem to be seeing at the moment is all the blame being piled on BP. From some of the things that I've heard that suits the US government very well indeed. It might also explain their earlier muted response and the current seemingly OTT proposal to make a federal takeover of BP USA.

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Ah-ha, the truth will out ... you mean they're blaming BP only because they think the B stands for 'British'?


So much for the 'special relationship' ... :(

What a joke. Special when you're riding along on Amertican prosperity, but sour any other time. You should have joined the Euro, tellling us how great the new Europe was going to be, and how we were finished. When we

are finished, you first.

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