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Why are the Americans and media blaming BP for oil spill?

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To those who say that BP have failed in trying to fill up this hole and stop the leak (I agree they have failed, durrr)... what would you or the American government have done differently?



Like i said earlier, this thing doesnt happen everyday, this time the worlds best minds will have to come up with a new solution, then next time it happens the world will be prepared.


The US gov would not have done any better than BP at trying to stop the leak.

Of course not, it takes the skill of professional oilmen to do that. The gulf coast is populated by tons of oilmen working on rigs all over the place, who may have had the right ideas. But on that rig there was a known and ignored anomily, which led to serious loss of life. BP's CEO did not seem to care very much imo.
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Awwww, that's just nasty ... traitor!
That is a disgusting statement! Simply because we decided to make a home elsewhere we are traitors? Freedom of speech is the greatest strength of both the US constitution and English law. I have already mentioned my service to Britain, and thanked by fellow Americans for that service. Ny grandfather served in France for the entire Great war, having volunteered on day one. In 1916 my grandmother died, leaving six children at home, the oldest 16. He was refused compassionate relief to go help them. In the end he finished up in Middlewood hospital with what was then called shell shock for the rest of his life. So much for treason eh. Thanks to a grateful nation!!!
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Of course not, it takes the skill of professional oilmen to do that. The gulf coast is populated by tons of oilmen working on rigs all over the place, who may have had the right ideas. But on that rig there was a known and ignored anomily, which led to serious loss of life. BP's CEO did not seem to care very much imo.


Do those skilled oilmen work for Transocean or Halliburton and do the bad ones just sit in BP offices?

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Do those skilled oilmen work for Transocean or Halliburton and do the bad ones just sit in BP offices?
No, and their rigs don't blow up either. We have this tendency to blame someone when people die as a result of negligence, but then again they were only Americans. When a plane crashes, the airline first gets the blame by the government agency involved. After review, the airline conveniently blames the pilot, pays the insurance, and carries on. I thihk our government has a right to challenge BP handling of this whole affai. If BP engaged Haliburton ( of all people!!!) to conduct its business it must expect them to carry some of the cost, not the American taxpayer. I hope none of this spill reaches your shore. I was serving in Cornwall during the Torrey Canyon sinking. I saw the damage it caused to the Cornish coast, and this spill is vastly larger than that one was.
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What a joke. Special when you're riding along on Amertican prosperity, but sour any other time. You should have joined the Euro, tellling us how great the new Europe was going to be, and how we were finished. When we are finished, you first.
meh, so she's right then, you Americans don't really want us except when we're sending our lads out to get killed fighting your battles for you? Your Government is the one that's always going on about the 'special relationship' but only when you want something. When it's time for the quid pro quo, suddenly we're no more special than anyone else? And you say we have it in for the Yanks? It seems rather vice-versa in your mind.

That is a disgusting statement! Simply because we decided to make a home elsewhere we are traitors?
Did you not bother to look at poppins post, which was the post I was answering?

When I baited the hook, I never expected such a comprehensive endorsement of what I was thinking about it. :) I don't think you're a typical American though, you've got too much of a chip on your shoulder. Maybe secretly you've never felt really accepted in your adopted country? :)

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Rubydazzler, you and I have had some arguments in the past. You never had a good word to say about us, so don't blame us if we retaliate:)


I don't recollect this, iirc I've hardly ever even mentioned America or posted in response to you. I'm far too busy arguing about our own stuff to worry about what's going on over the pond!


meh, so she's right then, you Americans don't really want us except when we're sending our lads out to get killed fighting your battles for you? Your Government is the one that's always going on about the 'special relationship' but only when you want something. When it's time for the quid pro quo, suddenly we're no more special than anyone else? And you say we have it in for the Yanks? It seems rather vice-versa in your mind.


I don't think you're a typical American though, you've got too much of a chip on your shoulder. Maybe secretly you've never felt really accepted in your adopted country? :)


Well that's the end of a short lived, but beautiful relationship :hihi:

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That is a disgusting statement! Simply because we decided to make a home elsewhere we are traitors? Freedom of speech is the greatest strength of both the US constitution and English law. I have already mentioned my service to Britain, and thanked by fellow Americans for that service. Ny grandfather served in France for the entire Great war, having volunteered on day one. In 1916 my grandmother died, leaving six children at home, the oldest 16. He was refused compassionate relief to go help them. In the end he finished up in Middlewood hospital with what was then called shell shock for the rest of his life. So much for treason eh. Thanks to a grateful nation!!!

Hmmm, apart from the communist witch hunts of the 50s.

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