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Stomach bug going round

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Anyone else suffered from a stomach bug that's going round?

I started on Saturday night feeling a bit off colour and within minutes I felt like I was passing out, my eyesight started to blur, sweat was pouring off me and then the diarrhea and violent vomiting hit me.

I have taken plenty of clear fluids and I'm trying to eat small amounts, but when I eat it feels like broken glass in my stomach and I have got really bad indigestion too.

I don't want to bother the doctor or NHS direct if it is something that is going round and won't last long, but just feeling really ill at the moment and wondered if anyone else has had it.

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Yes i have just got over my stomach bug. I had it for 4 days then 3am Monday morning i awoken up really burning and drenched in sweat and in pain but a fan help me get back to sleep. By the time i waked up later in the day i was OK. But they is a bug going about. I got told to drink plenty of fluids, but if i got worst or found blood or could not keep fluids or food down then to ring the NHS direct again. I did suffer bad for 4 days, but soon has i had the bad sweating bout i was fine, i think my body must have burned it out by that point.

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yes, me, I get them all, but a really bad one last weekend:, I thought I was having a stroke or something one night, the weight in my chest was intense, it felt like it was 'caving in' and my breathing was very restricted, dripping with sweat, a migraine/headache where I thought my head was going to explode, it really does get too much. But as for going to the doctors what can they do, I just take more herbal 'flu tea, Vit C, painkillers, etc



but something is going on, this level of infection didn't exist twenty odd years ago

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