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HD TV, Difference Obvious?

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You clearly haven't a clue what you're talking about, the difference is immediately noticable, unless you're blind.


If you genuinely can't tell the difference between a picture with over 4 times the resolution, then your eye's are defective.


I see you've fallen for it. I bet you're one of those sheep who's bought the same film several times on different formats because each time the marketing men tell you it's a million times better than the last.

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I see you've fallen for it. I bet you're one of those sheep who's bought the same film several times on different formats because each time the marketing men tell you it's a million times better than the last.


No, I bought it because it quite clearly looks far far better than standard definition. This is self evident to anyone who cares to actually "look". I guess you didn't bother... bah humbug again is it Gordon (no surprise there).


If you genuinely can't see any difference, your eye's are at fault, not the technology. I refer you to rich5315's post above.


Gordon, you're clearly blind, now get back under your bridge.

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No, I bought it because it quite clearly looks far far better than standard definition. This is self evident to anyone who cares to actually "look". I guess you didn't bother... bah humbug again is it Gordon.


If you genuinely can't see any difference, your eye's are at fault, not the technology.


You're confusing your opinion with fact. In your opinion HD is far better than standard definition. In most other people's opinion it's not or is so barely noticeable it makes no difference.



Answer me this then. Most of the stuff I enjoy watching was made several years ago. Classic sitcoms, old Hitchcock movies, bond films, that sort of thing.


Can you tell me how much better they will look in HD, considering they were originally recorded on analogue tape? No amount of digital trickery can change the quality of the original recording, therefore HD will make no difference to anything recorded more than a year or two ago.

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You're confusing your opinion with fact. In your opinion HD is far better than standard definition.


It is, not in my opinion, but in fact. It has over 4 times the detail over standard definition material. Get your calculator out and try adding a few numbers, even a moron like you should be able to add up some numbers.


In most other people's opinion it's not or is so barely noticeable it makes no difference.


Utter utter nonsense, which is clear from the responses to this thread. The vast majority of posters can quite clearly see an improvement.


Answer me this then. Most of the stuff I enjoy watching was made several years ago. Classic sitcoms, old Hitchcock movies, bond films, that sort of thing.


Can you tell me how much better they will look in HD, considering they were originally recorded on analogue tape?


Again, you are confused by your own inability to think. With the exception of *some* classic sitcoms, all the other material you mention were filmed on film, which still far outstrips the resolution of HD TV.


There are virtually no feature films made in the last 50 years that werent' filmed in a format suitable for transfer to HD and will look better for it, the exception that springs to mind is "The Blair Witch Project", which was filmed on a handycam and looks crap no matter what you view it on.


No amount of digital trickery can change the quality of the original recording,


Hence there's no StarTrek-Next Gen on HD, because it was recored on tape at crap resolutions.


therefore HD will make no difference to anything recorded more than a year or two ago.


Unless it's a feature film or TV show, recorded on film, of which there are a vast array of both old and new material. Some I'll wager, even older than you!


Regardless, this discussion is about HD TV's showing HD material, it's pretty obvious that material that was never in a resolution suitable for HD won't be up to parr, there seems little point arguing over the blindingly obvious, though I'm sure you'll try.

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Can't believe I'm letting Gordon bait me but......


Answer me this then. Most of the stuff I enjoy watching was made several years ago. Classic sitcoms, old Hitchcock movies, bond films, that sort of thing.
Not much Hitch out on HD but North by North West is vastly improved. As are older films such as Stagecoach, The Red Shoes & The Third Man. Stuff that has/had a good cinematographer will come alive.


It's not even opinion. If you can't tell the difference then you DO need an eye test. Or a better tv. Or maybe set the HD source to output in HD:)


Regardless, this discussion is about HD TV's showing HD material, it's pretty obvious that material that was never in a resolution suitable for HD won't be up to parr, there seems little point arguing over the blindingly obvious, though I'm sure you'll try.

Not true! Even 16mm stuff looks vastly superior on HD. I've got some Kenneth Anger short-films in HD and they look stunning.

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My brother has a 46" Samsung LCD but moans about the picture quality. He's not very tech minded so every time he moans I have to explain it's 'cos he has a standard def cable box connected through the SCART, you're bound to get a crap picture. Trying to pursuade him to get the new V+HD box.

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You're confusing your opinion with fact. In your opinion HD is far better than standard definition. In most other people's opinion it's not or is so barely noticeable it makes no difference.


Answer me this then. Most of the stuff I enjoy watching was made several years ago. Classic sitcoms, old Hitchcock movies, bond films, that sort of thing.


Can you tell me how much better they will look in HD, considering they were originally recorded on analogue tape? No amount of digital trickery can change the quality of the original recording, therefore HD will make no difference to anything recorded more than a year or two ago.


35mm film has lots more resolution than current full HD let alone 70mm, the new remasters of Bond, Hitchcock etc look stunning in HD. The Blu-Ray (BR) release of North By Northwest is fecking awesome and I don't even have a full HD TV. Same goes for stuff like Dr No on BR.


Most US TV series were recorded on film, going way back when. Why do you think they've remastered the original Star Trek series? Because they can and it looks fantastic.


I'll give you that in the UK we used to use video tape for TV series so the best bet for that is cram more episodes on one disc. The same with some 90s US TV shows, they were recorded on film but mastered on video tape so unless they redo special effects etc then there's no point moving to HD with it. They're even going to be releasing Friends on BR as it was produced on film and will look better on BR.


Gordon you clearly have no understanding of anything on this subject so why post?

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