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Advice needed - Mobile phone contract with 3

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Hi all,


I'm after some advice really if anyone can help as I'm at my wits end with the problems I'm having with my mobile phone contract.


So here's the story:


I was sold a mobile contract a long time ago through the carphone warehouse on the network 3 for 18 months, and when that cam to an end I was looking at getting an iphone. When in the process of ending my contract with 3, I was told of an offer they could do for me direct for being a loyal customer.


I told them I was looking for an iphone, and I was told about (and I quote) "an alternative and almost exact replica of the iphone, with all the current features and more". The phone was the sony ericson satio, and the contract was even reduced to keep me on board.


I was told I had 14 days to play around with the phone to see if I like dit, but told to not use the internet as it would be charged until the contract came into effect 3 weeks later.


So heres the problem, the phone is terrible. It randomly calls out, doesn't detect very well on the touch screen, messaging takes so long I just phone instead and the internet barely works. Every app costs £4.99, and interupts during downloads.


I've called 3 numerous times to complain but am repeatedly told that it's waht I signed up for, and that the 14 day trial has now expired. I can either:


1) Live with it for 2 more years

2) Transfer the name to someone else and pass it


3) Pay it off (£500+)


I feel robbed, and cheated by a company I trusted and really want to leave but can't do any of the above. Can anyone offer serious advice as it's really getting me down.


I've had people saying things like buying an unlocked iphone and using my own sim, telling them I'm moving abroad, or even telling them I haven't signed the contract (which I havent) but I have no idea if any will even work.


Any advice is greatly appreciated!





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If after the 13th day you did nothing, I reckon you're on shaky ground i'm afraid.


That said when I extended my contract with 3 they made me sign a new piece of paper. If the phone doesn't work properly they'll send it off to be fixed free of charge!

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Firstly if the phone isn't working properly try taking it to Carphone Warehouse to have the software updated under warranty. If I remember correctly those phones have had software problems and were temporarily removed from sale by some shops shortly after being launched


Regarding the contract with Three you don't need to have signed anything for the contract to exist. If the goods/services supplied are unsatisfactory there may be legal avenues you could go down. Trading standards or your local CAB should be able to advise.


Before going down the legal route I'd suggest trying to talk to someone in one of the English call centres and writing to Three (keep copies and send everything by Recorded Delivery). It may take time but if you're persistent and methodical you can probably get this sorted out.

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As previous posters have said :


If outside 14 trial you agreed to then they can say your contract stands BUT if the phone is faulty they should sort it without a doubt....If it's a case you just don't like it or find it hard to use then it is more difficult.


I suppose you could try a complaint to them stating you were TOLD not to try the internet till after the trial and play on this as much as possible.................and that it was branded as an "exact replica" of the I-phone.......................................

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You just need to Google Sony Ericson satio problems to se that the phone was withdrawn by Carphone Warehouse for a time because of problems.


Go back to the branch and complain quite loudly that the phone is unsuitable and not fit for purpose. Demand to have a replacement or for them to fix it. giving you a replacement while you wait.


And do not beleive any shop when they say a phone is comparable to the iphone, its not!

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