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Young teen age girls getting contraceptives without parents' knowledge

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I'm a mum and I have a 15 year old daughter..


My daughter started showing an interest in boys about 2 years ago, give or take.. At first it was just talk about how she fancied this boy at school, that boy at school etc etc, but now its to the point where she is having boyfriends..

Both me and her dad have had many a talk with her about "the birds and the bees"(of course most of which she already knew) and we've both told her that if she ever felt that she was going to start having a sexual relationship, then we'd rather she took precautions and went on the pill..


We are in NO WAY condoning her having any kind of sexual relationship, but we are not stupid and we know that, like us when we were her age, that if she was going to do it, she'd do it whether we liked it or not and whether the law allowed it or not..


She still insists that she's still a virgin and that no lad would ever get down there, but both me and her dad know all to well that it only takes one moment of weakness and Ta Daaaa.. Her virginity is gone..


We've told her that we wouldn't be best pleased about it if she did have sex at her age, but if she did come to us and say that she felt she was ready to go on the pill, the I'd have no problem about taking her to the doctors and her going on the pill as this would show us that she was being mature and responsible about things..


I think we would have a problem if she went behind our backs and went on the pill without telling us first.. Both me and her dad have always been very open with her about things like this and she's talked to us both about things that you'd think a teenage girl would only talk to her best friends about. So if she was to go behind our backs, we'd probably feel we'd failed in some respects and we'd want to know why she felt she couldn't talk to us about it..


falpere, have you spoken to your daughter ?? If so, has she told you why she felt she didn't need to talk to you first ??

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It lasts for 3 years Medusa (well that's what the nurse told me when I had it put it and you can either have a new one put in or have it taken out).


Apologies- I have never had a contraceptive implant because it came out after I had to stop hormonal contraception because of my tumour and so I guess I missed out on that piece of information.


I'm going to amend my post just in case anyone reads it and takes it as gospel.

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I dont think there are many teenage girls who would go to a family planning clinic, intending to get contraception, be told they can't have it, and then think 'oh fine I'll wait 4 years before I have sex'.


My feeling would be they'd find another contraceptive method, or not use one at all.

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i think one massive issue people are missing out on is that there are alot of young adults out there that are sexualy active but have parents that either dont care or are so pre-historic that cant deal with these issues and that is the reason why patients can deal with contraception with-out there parents, everyone thats kicking of about those patients not needing perental permisson needs to understand that without this service a hell of a lot of young adults would be seriously affected, now my dads way of dealing with contraception was to put i handfull of condons in my drawer and say 'i hope you dont use them but if you do at least your doing things responsable' i was 14 at the time and they stayed there for a good year and half till i felt ready, how ever there was a girl i was at school with whose mother found a condom in her room (we were given one each in a pack of info at sex education) anyway her mother beat her black and blue and then the girl was put into foster care, can you imagine her asking her mother to take her to go on the pill? i support the fact that young adults can seek infomation and contraception with out there parents, as stated before i have a 9 year old and hope she would feel she could come to me but if not then i would take comfort in knowing there are proffessinals who could help her if need be

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I just hope that the school/clinic discussed the implant with her at length before she made the decision. It dosen't suit everyone, and I know from experience that it doesn't always 'control' your periods, its very unpredictable. I hope the nurse/doctor discussed the side-effects and other options like the pill, and the girl didn't just get it because all her friends have it.

When I was 16 I wanted to start taking the pill for non-contraceptive reasons, the doctor was reluctant and insisted on going through the side effects e.g. thrombosis, increased risk of breast cancer, in an attempt to put me off.

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This is more to do with pier pressure, and the fact that a young teenager can have something inserted into her body without the consent of her parents.




Also, wouldnt you prefer she didn't get pregnant. If you're worried about a pedo getting at her (I assume you read the daily mail?) then maybe you should try talking to her

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i put myself on the pill without my parents consent at the age of 14 because i was suffering so badly with period pains.


i was originally prescribed ponstan (the big yellow horse tablets!) and they really didnt help.


i was 17 before my mum found out- i stupidly left an empty pill packet in my dressing gown pocket- and when i explained why i had done what i had done she was ok about it.


im sure she would rather i had discussed it with her and set her mind at rest that it was for my benefit rather than as a method of contraception....however most 14 year olds generally know that discussing things like this mean massive rows, embarrassment all round and that it just quite simply easier to get on with it and do it regardless.


i think it takes a very special sort of relationship between child and parent to discuss these sorts of things freely....and i didnt have that.



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i think one massive issue people are missing out on is that there are alot of young adults out there that are sexualy active but have parents that either dont care or are so pre-historic that cant deal with these issues and that is the reason why patients can deal with contraception with-out there parents, everyone thats kicking of about those patients not needing perental permisson needs to understand that without this service a hell of a lot of young adults would be seriously affected, now my dads way of dealing with contraception was to put i handfull of condons in my drawer and say 'i hope you dont use them but if you do at least your doing things responsable' i was 14 at the time and they stayed there for a good year and half till i felt ready, how ever there was a girl i was at school with whose mother found a condom in her room (we were given one each in a pack of info at sex education) anyway her mother beat her black and blue and then the girl was put into foster care, can you imagine her asking her mother to take her to go on the pill? i support the fact that young adults can seek infomation and contraception with out there parents, as stated before i have a 9 year old and hope she would feel she could come to me but if not then i would take comfort in knowing there are proffessinals who could help her if need be


And breath …………… didn’t they teach about paragraphs at your school, and perhaps the odd full stop.

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