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Young teen age girls getting contraceptives without parents' knowledge

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I am not nit picking, you may have some very valid points if only people could get to the end of your post without turning a funny shade of blue.


since when is there a law stating you must breath by my command! if your getting out of breath either dont read out loud :loopy: then your air-ways are free to breath, or turn blue and grin and bear it for not having the sense to follow option one!

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i think one massive issue people are missing out on is that there are alot of young adults out there that are sexualy active but have parents that either dont care or are so pre-historic that cant deal with these issues and that is the reason why patients can deal with contraception with-out there parents, :loopy: everyone thats kicking of about those patients not needing perental permisson needs to understand that without this service a hell of a lot of young adults would be seriously affected, :loopy: now my dads way of dealing with contraception was to put i handfull of condons in my drawer and say 'i hope you dont use them but if you do at least your doing things responsable' i was 14 at the time and they stayed there for a good year and half till i felt ready, :loopy: how ever there was a girl i was at school with whose mother found a condom in her room (we were given one each in a pack of info at sex education) anyway her mother beat her black and blue and then the girl was put into foster care, can you imagine her asking her mother to take her to go on the pill? :loopy: i support the fact that young adults can seek infomation and contraception with out there parents, :loopy: as stated before i have a 9 year old and hope she would feel she could come to me but if not then i would take comfort in knowing there are proffessinals who could help her if need be

commas throughout this post as well obviously you are just to blind to of seen them, like i said go nit pick somewhere else all your doing is trying to stir trouble

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i think it takes a very special sort of relationship between child and parent to discuss these sorts of things freely....and i didnt have that.



Neither did I..Which is why I vowed and declared I would be the total opposite with my daughter to what my mum was with me..


I wasn't the best of young girls, and I was seriously scared about going to the doctors to ask for the pill because I didn't know that I was allowed to without my mums consent.. I took a hell of alot of risks and I was VERY VERY lucky not have got caught pregnant or catch any STD's.. Very lucky indeed..


I waited until I was 16 to go on my own to get the pill because I thought that was the age I could go on it without my mums knowledge..


We did have sex education when I was at school, but not like it is today.. I only wish I'd have known I could have gone and got it without my mum knowing, I would have gone for it for sure..

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I am clearly upset about the whole thing.


Your clearly over reacting.


I doubt that you can put yourself in my shoes at the moment, and why should you? :)


Have you not thought that some of us have been through similar in the past?

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Well. It seems I have taken quite a bashing for being a concerned parent! Thankfully my back is broad enough.


I agree that contraception is a good thing for many underage girls. It was the type of contraception that my daughter was given that shocked me.


Giving these children (some as young as twelve) condoms is one thing, but inserting a piece of metal into the arm with a slow release chemical is out of order.


Their bodies are not fully developed so who knows what problems will arise from tampering with their hormones in later years. Not to mention the fact that these implants can cause some nasty damage if snagged or hit.


The implant or the pill offers zero protection against STD's unlike a condom.

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Well. It seems I have taken quite a bashing for being a concerned parent! Thankfully my back is broad enough.


I agree that contraception is a good thing for many underage girls. It was the type of contraception that my daughter was given that shocked me.


Giving these children (some as young as twelve) condoms is one thing, but inserting a piece of metal into the arm with a slow release chemical is out of order.


Their bodies are not fully developed so who knows what problems will arise from tampering with their hormones in later years. Not to mention the fact that these implants can cause some nasty damage if snagged or hit.


The implant or the pill offers zero protection against STD's unlike a condom.


You can't win, either you're being precious and overly protective or you're Kate and Gerry McCann.


As I said, I think that your reaction was natural.

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