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Young teen age girls getting contraceptives without parents' knowledge

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Have you managed to form an opinion yet? Or maybe I was a little too close for comfort and you don't want to look like you're just copying?


Here, I'll help you


Her story is that all the girls have them to help control their periods.

Do you think your daughter is a liar?


She went to the family planning clinic to have it put in without our consent. She is FOURTEEN!!

And? Do you think she shouldn't be able to?


I am a little upset at the moment to express my true feelings on the matter, but feel I need to warn parents about what is going on.

You're not still too upset to actually post your true feelings surely? It's been two days now!

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Have you managed to form an opinion yet? Or maybe I was a little too close for comfort and you don't want to look like you're just copying?


Here, I'll help you



Do you think your daughter is a liar?

And? Do you think she shouldn't be able to?

You're not still too upset to actually post your true feelings surely? It's been two days now!


Still upset, as you were when the same thing happened to you.

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This is part of a PM that was sent to me. I will not disclose the name of the poster. I hope I am not breaking any rules by showing this, it's just that this poster makes some very good points.


"I havn’t posted in your thread about your daughter because I don’t want to get involved in an argument, but I for one are on your side, my daughter will be 14 in about 6 wks time and if she came home with an implant I would go ballistic ! how do they have the right to inflict that on a 14yr old, they have to have parental consent to give immunisations including the new cervical cancer one so why not the implant, its like the pill it works for one person but not another, they should’nt be allowed to just give it to an under age child without parents permission, which brings me to another point all the other posters are saying because she’s started her period she’s not a child anymore but a young adult, total rubbish she is still a child, all these posters made my blood boil ! If its reported in the Star next week that a 14 yr old has been molested by a man the same posters would be screaming that he should have his bits chopped off because she’s only a child."

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How would you have felt if your daughter had come home and told you she was pregnant? Whilst I agree that under 16s should not be having sex anyway, some are going to have sex whether we want them to or not, and to deny contraception to those youngsters is very likely to increase the underage pregnancy rate, not stop them having sex.


I hear what you are saying, but surely there is also a chance that by denying contraception to under 16's without parental consent, it may make youngsters think twice about starting a sexual relationship at such a young age.


When my daughter hits puberty I will be very open and frank with her as I have been with my 13yr old son, I will tell her that although I do not agree with underage sex I am not stupid and realise that some kids start having sex at a very young age.

I would much rather she came and talked to me about it than told me she was pregnant.

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What I don't understand is If it is illegal to have sex if you are under 16, why is it not illegal for doctors to prescribe contraceptives to under 16's, whether it be with parental consent or not?


Exactlly. :huh:

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What I don't understand is If it is illegal to have sex if you are under 16, why is it not illegal for doctors to prescribe contraceptives to under 16's, whether it be with parental consent or not?


Because being illegal doesn't magically stop it happening.

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Still upset, as you were when the same thing happened to you.


You must be confusing me with someone else.


So still too upset two days after the event to actually state your opinion. It leaves me wondering what the point of the thread was.

How upset would your daughter be if she finds you discussing this on the internet? Maybe it's only your feelings that matter though?

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