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Young teen age girls getting contraceptives without parents' knowledge

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If by argumentative you mean asking you a few simple relevant questions and asking you to back your hyperbole up with some evidence. Then I'm doing it because the questions were relevant and your hyperbole was just that.


Any closer to being able to post your answers, or still to angry to explain why you thought Aids was relevant? Too angry to explain, but not too angry to try to bring in irrelevant, emotive issues to muddy the issue?

Come to think of it, I responded to your statement and basically asked for clarification, which you have since refused to give. One has to wonder what your weird agenda in being difficult is?


Are you being evasive for the sake of it?



Everyone else seems capable of looking back through the thread to grasp my point of view. The fact that posts are not deleted once they have been read makes this possible, and means that poster’s don’t have to keep repeating themselves. That would be very tedious wouldn’t it?


Anyway. As I have said before, I think there is a good case for contraceptives to be given to young teenagers that are sexually active. The implant is the one that I struggle with. It is inserted just below the skin of the arm, and can quite easily be snagged and ripped out during activities such as PE at school. It has a slow release hormone that can cause side effects in an underdeveloped body. It offers no protection from STD’s of which there are many, some are very nasty indeed (Aid’s is one of them by the way).


Do you agree? :)

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Everyone else seems capable of looking back through the thread to grasp my point of view. The fact that posts are not deleted once they have been read makes this possible, and means that poster’s don’t have to keep repeating themselves. That would be very tedious wouldn’t it?


Anyway. As I have said before, I think there is a good case for contraceptives to be given to young teenagers that are sexually active. The implant is the one that I struggle with. It is inserted just below the skin of the arm, and can quite easily be snagged and ripped out during activities such as PE at school. It has a slow release hormone that can cause side effects in an underdeveloped body. It offers no protection from STD’s of which there are many, some are very nasty indeed (Aid’s is one of them by the way).


Do you agree? :)


Have you any evidence or is this just supposition on your part?

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I don't think it is normal for teenagers to tell parents everything about what they get up to. My parents discussed sex over the dinner table numerous times :rolleyes: I remember one conversation over the dining table that ended up being a 'discussion' between my parents over their views on underage sex: which I think was totally for me and my sisters benefit, each of them taking opposing views :lol: At least they tried and it was appreciated as it make me think. As an adult you don’t tell everyone about your sex life, which is perfectly normal, and I think you have to accept that neither will a son/ daughter, I would not expect them to either, but you would be there if they had a hypothetical question :hihi:


I find it so sad that sex education in this country is still very much a handful one off lessons dotted throughout primary and secondary education and does not focus as much as I think it should on relationships and emotions as well as sex. It’s even sadder that it is very clear that some children have not already been spoken to about relationships and sex from their parents and are completely clueless, coming out with the same misconceptions over and over again. The only adult conversations they have about sex, contraception and most importantly relationships are in a school classroom.


It is very scary that HIV is rarely mentioned in public anymore, though other treatable sexual transmitted diseases are very much in the limelight. When I was a teenager in the early 90’s there was very public and quite scary ongoing campaigns that told you what to do to avoid getting HIV. It made you stop and think. I do teach about HIV when looking at viruses and mutations as part of a course and it is amazing to see how many bright 17 year olds think it is curable :(


It is amazing how many adults think that it's curable. Although the development of full blown Aid's can be stopped if treated, there is no cure for HIV.

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Everyone else seems capable of looking back through the thread to grasp my point of view. The fact that posts are not deleted once they have been read makes this possible, and means that poster’s don’t have to keep repeating themselves. That would be very tedious wouldn’t it?


Anyway. As I have said before, I think there is a good case for contraceptives to be given to young teenagers that are sexually active. The implant is the one that I struggle with. It is inserted just below the skin of the arm, and can quite easily be snagged and ripped out during activities such as PE at school. It has a slow release hormone that can cause side effects in an underdeveloped body. It offers no protection from STD’s of which there are many, some are very nasty indeed (Aid’s is one of them by the way).


Do you agree? :)


Is this something you have made up?

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I would have thought it was obvious from my post that I was talking about them being prescribed for "contraceptive" use rather than to help any other medical condition, after all I did mention about "UNDERAGE SEX".


Obviously it wasn't clear enough for everyone, :loopy:


are you trying to be simple?

whether its prescribed for sex or period pains its still the same contraceptive drug!

so in your opinion it should be prescribed for other medical conditions but not as a contraceptive use despite the fact that it is a contraceptive drug!

if a under age girl wanted it to prevent her self getting pregnant but (in your bubble world) she could only get it for say heavy painfull periods then that is what she would tell the doctor what she wanted for meaning changing the law so it can only be prescribed for "other" conditions would be nothing but a mockery.


so yes your post was clear just flawed and to be honest damn right stupid :loopy:

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I agree that it offers no protection against STIs, but then it doesn't pretend to, was never intended to and no one would think that it did, particularly after the GP has told them that! So this point has no relevance to this discussion.


I'd like to see some data on it being snagged and ripped out, I suspect that there's a greater risk of being killed on the way to school by a runaway Russian sub.


As to hormones causing problems, the medical community clearly disagree with you or they wouldn't prescribe it.

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Are you suggesting that it is absolutely impossible for this to happen?


Having had one fitted for three years I would say it's highly improbable, its submerged in fatty tissue. In order for it to happen then something would have to peirce the skin, hook under it and pull it out.

If such a scenario was to happen the a chunk of arm would be pulled out whether there was an implant there or not.

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I agree that it offers no protection against STIs, but then it doesn't pretend to, was never intended to and no one would think that it did, particularly after the GP has told them that! So this point has no relevance to this discussion.


I'd like to see some data on it being snagged and ripped out, I suspect that there's a greater risk of being killed on the way to school by a runaway Russian sub.


As to hormones causing problems, the medical community clearly disagree with you or they wouldn't prescribe it.


Oh I see. So there are no unwanted side effects or dangers at all from using an implant!?


Maybe it's time you stopped using wickepedia as your fountain of knowledge! :hihi:

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