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Young teen age girls getting contraceptives without parents' knowledge

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14 isnt a child though... 14 is a young adult! It is her body, let her make her own decision and support her! To be honest I think you are forgetting what it is like being young and dealing with this stuff... I think you are viewing her as a child rather than a young adult and she is prob more grown up than you think.


Seriously, if you fly off the handle at your daughter you will push her away... this is helping her periods and stopping her from getting pregnant if/when she is sexually active... you dont need to hold her hand though everything you know... at 14 she can make these decisions and do it her self and rightly so!


With regards to the age of consent... natures way of saying a girl/woman is ready to have children is her first period and she is therefore ready to have sex... just because there is some legistlation stating that she needs to be 16 it doesnt make it right!


Give her some space and support her... that way she will be able to come to you about these things in the future. :D


I am flying of the handle at you lot, not my daughter. You lot can take it.

I am just amazed that you think it is fine for a fourteen year old with all the knowledge of the world, to go to a doctor and have a piece of crap inserted under their skin!!


You are either all mad, or just arguing for the sake of it!

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I see your point donuticus. Try and see mine. We are talking about a fourteen year old, not a forty year old.


Sorry if I have come across as being argumentative that's not my reason. You're daughter has felt the need to have this done and she has made the decision I think you should be proud that your daughter has made the grown up decision to have this done.


If I ever have daughters I would be more concerned if they chose not o take precautions. It would concern me if they were doing things at 14 but in all reality there is not much you can do to stop them. If fourteen year olds want to have sex they can and will and if my 14yo daughter was sexually active I would rather her be taking some precautions than none at all.


At the risk of being patronising all I can suggest is that you remind your daughter that the implant is good at avoiding pregnancy it doesn't stop STi's and that condoms should still be used.

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Guest sibon
I am flying of the handle at you lot, not my daughter. You lot can take it.

I am just amazed that you think it is fine for a fourteen year old with all the knowledge of the world, to go to a doctor and have a piece of crap inserted under their skin!!


You are either all mad, or just arguing for the sake of it!


But, it isn't a piece of crap. It is a carefully trialled medical treatment.


Does she take aspirin?

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Guest sibon
Why, so she cant use a headache as a way of getting out of sex.




I asked the question for a specific reason.


Do you know the answer?

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Do us a favour? Stay on this thread and listen to a few of the replies before talking to your daughter :)

I've never had an implant, but if it works in the same way as the pill it can be used for controlling period pains as well as for preventing conception (help me out here Medusa :)).




I am doing, my wife is speaking to her. My wife is Thirty Eight not Fourteen, a lot of sense comes from my wife. ;)

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Do us a favour? Stay on this thread and listen to a few of the replies before talking to your daughter :)


I've never had an implant, but if it works in the same way as the pill it can be used for controlling period pains as well as for preventing conception (help me out here Medusa :)).




Progesterone implants are as effective as sterilisation for contraception, but the reason that they are so effective is that they stop the endometrium from developing in its normal monthly cycle. This means that even if conception has taken place it cannot implant into the endometrium and therefore the fertilised egg is lost.


This lack of endometrial development has a very handy knock on effect of reducing the heaviness of periods (because there's less endometrium to be shed during menstruation) and what there is to be shed comes away easier and so causes less pain.


On top of that there's the added bonus that a stable progesterone level plays a great part in helping relieve and/or prevent pre-menstrual syndrome and so there's likely to be a whole lot less monthly weepiness and homicidal tendencies with an implant than there would be even with the progestogen only pill, which was the previous treatment for PMS.


I understand that it's a bit of a shock that this has happened, but would you rather she didn't think for herself and you ended up having to cope with the results of that instead?


A contraceptive implant lasts 3 years, an unplanned pregnancy is life-changing. Aren't you glad that she's taking positive decisions for her future which rule that out?


In your position I may be surprised, but I'd respect her decision and her right to make decisions like that for her own future.

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Regardless of the benefits I still cant help think this is just another step towards the sexualisation of children.


She isn't a child, as she is having periods. She is biologically able to have children. The reason she's taking the medication is to control the periods. I see it as the daughter is being the sensible one here and knows her body, and the father is jumping to conclusions that are very very unlikely.

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But, it isn't a piece of crap. It is a carefully trialled medical treatment.
We can but hope, not wanting to fuel falpere's fears, but you can't always rely on medicines to have the desired effect or what the long term effects might be, especially on an immature body.


I can't help but think that some of the people commenting either have very young children, much older children or no children at all. Fourteen is still very much a child. We all think we're really grown up and sophisticated and capable of making all sorts of decisions about life and what we do in adolescence. It's only much later that most of us realise, we were just silly little girls and boys trying to be adults.


I'm with falpere on this, and can fully enter into how he and his wife must be feeling. That they've got almost a stranger living with them, who'd take a decision like this without even discussing it with them first, their little girl, their most precious darling, taking chances with her health in this way. It's quite disheartening for a parent.


It's just very tricky to know how to handle it. Sleep on it before you do or say anything more. She's probably just been dared into by her peers, rather than being groomed by anyone, I'm sure.

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