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Young teen age girls getting contraceptives without parents' knowledge

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I am that daughter of Gaymers actually. I am 18, very nearly 19 now and just started my second implant. It's done me a world of good. I originally got it for my periods, the pain was unbearable and I wanted to help it. I couldn't take the pill due to the fact I needed antibiotics a lot sue to my immune system. Then I got into a serious relationship which is nearly 3 years running now and it has been of great use.


Tbh, this all seems to be about you and not about your daughter. As I said, I am very proud of her for taking the step to do something sensible.


good for you, and its nice to know the current system is working by helping to turn out women like your self who have a great sense of maturity for having the sense to seek contraception rather than ending up needing a pram at a major younge age, my daughter went on the pill at 15, then at 20 she got married and stopped the pill that night 6 weeks later fell pregnant and few weeks ago gave birth to a wonderfull baby boy (im a grandad yay :D) she asked me to go with her to the doctors to go on the pill which i did and couldnt be more proud of her.

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Where oh where are we going. Gaymers last line in post 413 implies acknowledgement of under age sex. We have to draw the line and stick to it. Currently we seem to "Accept" that a 14 year old is being good because they took precautions before under age sex. Do we let people litter the streets if they use nice pretty litter? Should I be grateful that the teenage mugger says "Please" before he hold the knife to my throat. If it is 14 year olds having sex today then maybe tomorrows parents will accept 12 years olds. why stop there lets go to 10 or as soon as the girl / boy reach puberty. 16 is the law and anyone who acknowledges the breaking of that law is questionably doing an injustice to our society

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Where oh where are we going. Gaymers last line in post 413 implies acknowledgement of under age sex. We have to draw the line and stick to it. Currently we seem to "Accept" that a 14 year old is being good because they took precautions before under age sex. Do we let people litter the streets if they use nice pretty litter? Should I be grateful that the teenage mugger says "Please" before he hold the knife to my throat. If it is 14 year olds having sex today then maybe tomorrows parents will accept 12 years olds. why stop there lets go to 10 or as soon as the girl / boy reach puberty. 16 is the law and anyone who acknowledges the breaking of that law is questionably doing an injustice to our society


So what do you propose? A chastity belt?

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Where oh where are we going. Gaymers last line in post 413 implies acknowledgement of under age sex. We have to draw the line and stick to it. Currently we seem to "Accept" that a 14 year old is being good because they took precautions before under age sex. Do we let people litter the streets if they use nice pretty litter? Should I be grateful that the teenage mugger says "Please" before he hold the knife to my throat. If it is 14 year olds having sex today then maybe tomorrows parents will accept 12 years olds. why stop there lets go to 10 or as soon as the girl / boy reach puberty. 16 is the law and anyone who acknowledges the breaking of that law is questionably doing an injustice to our society


Nobody is saying that a 14 year old having sex is good. What people are saying is that the fact she's behaving maturely enough to take precautions and be responsible is something to be thankful for.

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I don't know the answer but I know that when I was a kid (yes that old one) I was scared of breaking the law and more to the point I was scared of my parents ever finding out if I had. It just seems that nowadays no one is scared or worried about the law it all seems to be self,self self and I just worry where our kids and grandchildren will end up.

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Education might be a better start.


Which is where the parental role steps in. However, no amount of education will prevent them from having underage consensual sex, if they want to, what it can do is teach them how to behave responsibly. I'd be equally as unhappy and upset about it too, however, if I started preaching about celibacy you can guarantee they would be even more likely to go ahead and have sex. Teens love nothing more than to rebel, I know, I was one once.

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Where oh where are we going. Gaymers last line in post 413 implies acknowledgement of under age sex. We have to draw the line and stick to it. Currently we seem to "Accept" that a 14 year old is being good because they took precautions before under age sex. Do we let people litter the streets if they use nice pretty litter? Should I be grateful that the teenage mugger says "Please" before he hold the knife to my throat. If it is 14 year olds having sex today then maybe tomorrows parents will accept 12 years olds. why stop there lets go to 10 or as soon as the girl / boy reach puberty. 16 is the law and anyone who acknowledges the breaking of that law is questionably doing an injustice to our society


but again this is the same kind of reference as before,

sex is natural now they should really wait a little while till its legal never the less still better safe than sorry


sex at 14- illegal just for a little while




littering - always illegal

mugging - always illegal

knife to throat- always illegal

murder - always illegal


seeing the pattern?

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