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Young teen age girls getting contraceptives without parents' knowledge

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Does anyone still take aspirin, unless prescribed? I thought you were only supposed to take paracetemol these days? sorry off topic! :blush:


Nah, you can still take aspirin OTC. Apparently, if you take one aspirin tablet a day, it reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes, because it helps keep the blood thin.

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I am flying of the handle at you lot, not my daughter. You lot can take it.

I am just amazed that you think it is fine for a fourteen year old with all the knowledge of the world, to go to a doctor and have a piece of crap inserted under their skin!!


You are either all mad, or just arguing for the sake of it!


I was only 14 a mere 5 years ago so undertsand where your daughter is coming from hence why I am trying to get you to see it from her side of things... I'm not arguing - I'm trying to get you to see sense. Whether you like it or not your daughter is a young adult who is likley to be sexually active in the next 2-3 years if she isnt already, she has painfull periods which are a nightmare to live with and she has done the right thing...


It is her body and she has every right to do what she likes with it... many people her age dont feel they can speak with their parents so they go to family planning clinics to discuss the options and make an informed decision... that is what they are they for!!


I dont think you are over reacting as she is your daughter and your worry... however I think you need to read up on the implant, speak calmly with your daughter and chill out and try and listen to what other people on here are telling you... we are only trying to help and your arguing with us!


For Gods sake... be proud that she made such a decision on her own! I understand that she is 14 but she is not a child anymore!


I'm not posting on this thread anymore as I have said all I have had to say and I dont think you are taking anything I have to say on board, however good luck with it all and if it helps at all... I think anyone who can make such a decision at 14 has a very good head on her shoulders!:D

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Guest sibon
Does anyone still take aspirin, unless prescribed? I thought you were only supposed to take paracetemol these days? sorry off topic! :blush:


I was trying to draw a parallel between the implant and a drug that most people consider to be safe. That is all.

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Guest sibon
Nah, you can still take aspirin OTC. Apparently, if you take one aspirin tablet a day, it reduces the risk of heart disease and strokes, because it helps keep the blood thin.


Unless you are very young, in which case it might kill you.

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Were you an adult at fourteen?


If so, do you still act the same way?


I'll put this another way. When you were 14 did you think the same as when you were 10? There is a huge difference between these ages, especially for a girl.

She can't ignore the fact she is having periods.

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I just wish something like that had been available when I was at school. I had to wait until I was in my twenties before I could go on the pill and get some relief from agonising periods every month.


And having a contraceptive implant does not necessarily mean that somebody is sexually active, just that they are aware of the possibility.


Quite, So why is it called a contraceptive?

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Unless you are very young, in which case it might kill you.


As someone said, there MAY be risks between aspirin and Reye's Syndrome in teenagers, so yeh, not so good when you are younger. :hihi:


But seriously, now, back on topic, when I was 14, I didn't really feel like I could talk to my parents about stuff like this (Dad, if you read this, I love you!!).

She may be doing in for a number of reasons.

*Prevent painful periods

*Prevent periods altogether

*Planning for the future.


It doesn't necessarily mean she is sexually active at this moment.


At above, yes, we get what you are saying, but about 20-30% of teenage girls who are on the Pill are not sexually active, they take it for the period pains, same with the injection and the implant. LARCs (Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives) and the Pill can help with periods. They are not uniquely contraceptives.

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Quite, So why is it called a contraceptive?


Because it was designed to be a contraceptive and it had other affects... just like how viagra was dicovered... it was meant to help with some heart problem but instead it had another affect!

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Even if it is contraceptive, is that a bad thing?


And what exactly are you annoyed about? The fact that your daughter didn't speak to you first of all, the fact that it was possible to have it done without your consent, or the fact it acknowledges she might be sexually active.


If she had come to you to speak about it, would you have encouraged her to get it, or asked her not to?

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I'll put this another way. When you were 14 did you think the same as when you were 10? There is a huge difference between these ages, especially for a girl.

She can't ignore the fact she is having periods.


So there is no difference between fourteen and, say, twenty four?


Is the fourteen year old as mentally prepared for a sexual relationship as a twenty four year old? The point that you are missing, is that allowing this sort of treatment is condoning under age sex.

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