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Timing of sick note request

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I've never had a sicknote, ever, until last week when I got one for 2 weeks due to an operation on my eye where they cut both of them open. They advised me to contact my GP if I required a further sick note.


Unfortunately, I'm still in quite a lot of pain, and my eyes start to get blurry if I use a VDU for more than a few hours (my job is to sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day). I did see my GP last friday about the pain and she prescribed me 2 further weeks painkillers, but I didn't mention returning to work.


We're still 5 days away from my return to work date (next Monday) and I'm optimistic it will get better, but what happens if I need a sick note?


If I make an appointment now, things may be different in 5 days time. If I make an appointment now for Monday, things may be better over the weekend and I'll have to waste their time by not turning up. If I ring up on Monday, I'll probably have to wait until Tuesday for an appointment and if they don't give me a sick note, I'm not covered for Monday!


I've thought about trying to get an appointment on Friday afternoon, but I'm not going to be here on Friday.


What option will give the least hassle? :)

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Doctors will backdate sicknotes so I shouldn't worry. Why don't you ring and make an appointment anyway, make it for later in the morning or afternoon, if you don't need it then just ring and cancel. If its anything like our doctors they have people on standby for cancelled appointments so it won't be lost. Don't just not turn up though, that's what annoys doctors.

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I agree with Claire; book the appointment, and cancel it if you find you don't need it. Better that than to risk not being able to get one - and far better than booking it but not bothering to go. :cool:


Back-dating sicknotes is frowned upon if it's the first one you wanted, but since you already sick, nobody is going to think that you were swinging the lead and just want to cover yourself. I can't imagine it being a problem if you end up needing it backdated for a few days.

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Phone up your surgery and explain your dilemma to them. They will be able to advise you on the best thing to do. My surgery has a duty doctor, who deals with follow-up sick notes, among other things.

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