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David Cameron to place minimum price on booze!

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Well........The toffs are back in charge & they are starting to crack down on the poor people already!


Why should the rest of the poorer people in society have to pay more for their alcohol, just because some people can't handle their booze?

In the long term, this idea will solve nothing! It will only increase crime & illegal importing of alcohol! :rant:

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Don't fully understand why this is a terrible thing - and i think its long time overdue. People seem to have become relient on very cheap alcohol. This seems to have increased the amount of alcohol related illnesses and alcohol related crime (not sure why you say it will increase crime). The sooner that Supermarkets are restricted from selling alcohol for hardly anything the better in my eyes.

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Well........The toffs are back in charge & they are starting to crack down on the poor people already!


Why should the rest of the poorer people in society have to pay more for their alcohol, just because some people can't handle their booze?

In the long term, this idea will solve nothing! It will only increase crime & illegal importing of alcohol! :rant:


Maybe people who spend half of their benefits on getting hammered every week will now think twice?

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Don't fully understand why this is a terrible thing - and i think its long time overdue. People seem to have become relient on very cheap alcohol. This seems to have increased the amount of alcohol related illnesses and alcohol related crime (not sure why you say it will increase crime). The sooner that Supermarkets are restricted from selling alcohol for hardly anything the better in my eyes.


It will increase crime because it's a drug, it's highly addictive & people will stop at nothing to get to it!! If they can't afford it they will steal it & there will be a demand for it on the black market!


Making a minimum price is totally ignoring the roots of the problem isn't it??


I bet it ****** you off when your road tax goes up because of a few bad drivers doesn't it??

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It will increase crime because it's a drug, it's highly addictive & people will stop at nothing to get to it!! If they can't afford it they will steal it & there will be a demand for it on the black market!


Making a minimum price is totally ignoring the roots of the problem isn't it??


I bet it ****** you off when your road tax goes up because of a few bad drivers doesn't it??


Road tax has nothing to do with bad drivers.


It's no coincidence that most of the trouble in town occurs outside the places that sell cheap alcohol as it attracts the idiots. I don't see much trouble outside All Bar One.

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I don't think that this is a terrible thing, but I'm not sure that it's a valid intervention.

Some of the effects will be that a bottle wine with the average alcohol content will cost a minimum of £3.60

That might you think, not affect you, as you only buy wine that costs at least £5.00, except you realise when Tescos has a £6.00 bottle of something you like on a half price offer.

But worse than that, if you buy a £4.00 regularly, and the £2.00 nasty wine is now £3.60, what do think is going to happen to your tipple? That's right, it'll cost more. And you weren't a problem drinker, you just like a class of average wine in an evening.


And the extra money, straight into Tesco's pocket, not to the government to spend on alcohol awareness or on closing down off licenses that would sell to your 3 year old niece if she had the cash.


And that's just wine.

White cider will go from £2.00 for a 2 litre bottle to about £7.00

Okay, that'll stop the teenagers drinking it. But it will pretty much stop anyone drinking it, period. If you currently run a business making white cider you may as well close it down now. And putting people out of business isn't supposed to be the aim of government, particularly not now.

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Road tax has nothing to do with bad drivers.


It's no coincidence that most of the trouble in town occurs outside the places that sell cheap alcohol as it attracts the idiots. I don't see much trouble outside All Bar One.


Do you see much trouble outside Tescos? This change will have no affect on bars, it's targeted at supermarkets.

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Well........The toffs are back in charge & they are starting to crack down on the poor people already!


Why should the rest of the poorer people in society have to pay more for their alcohol, just because some people can't handle their booze?

In the long term, this idea will solve nothing! It will only increase crime & illegal importing of alcohol! :rant:


Actually the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) suggests a minimum price but this is not supported by the government.

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