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David Cameron to place minimum price on booze!

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This is the only good think that can come of this.........Well, I can't think of any more anyway!


Maybe the chav's who currently run riot after a few bottles of cider will run out of pocket money quicker?

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This is the only good think that can come of this.........Well, I can't think of any more anyway!


You're grateful, then, that Cameron and his Tory party have spent the last few years consistently opposing a minimum price, and are still holding out against it despite health bodies demanding it be introduced?

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I have noticed a trend for people to go out to the pub later. They instead get drunk at home first on cheap supermarket booze. They then go out to a pub, have maybe one more drink which tips them over the edge, and then they're really drunk and causing problems e.g. being sick, violent and aggressive behaviour.

This makes the pub they're in look bad, even though its not their fault.

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It wont affect problem drinkers, they're addicted & they'll just pay more, steal it, or steal to buy it. If the price goes up too much it'll lead to more crime & a larger black market.


Correct! Some people don't realise, but alcohol is a drug & it's very highly addictive! If alcohol didn't exist & it was introduced into society today, it would be classified as a class A drug & banned instantly!

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I have noticed a trend for people to go out to the pub later. They instead get drunk at home first on cheap supermarket booze. They then go out to a pub, have maybe one more drink which tips them over the edge, and then they're really drunk and causing problems e.g. being sick, violent and aggressive behaviour.

This makes the pub they're in look bad, even though its not their fault.


Maybe that's what the new doorman training is also intending to stamp out. On Sunday I was behind 3 girls, one of them couldn't walk in a straight line, kept hi-cupping constantly and shouting random things yet she got in the bar and was served. Literally minutes after she threw up and collapsed on the pool table.

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Maybe the chav's who currently run riot after a few bottles of cider will run out of pocket money quicker?


Maybe they will steal from their parents or shops to get the booz instead?!


If people want something, they get it!! Thats why buying drugs is as easy today as it has ever been!

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Well........The toffs are back in charge & they are starting to crack down on the poor people already!


Why should the rest of the poorer people in society have to pay more for their alcohol, just because some people can't handle their booze?

In the long term, this idea will solve nothing! It will only increase crime & illegal importing of alcohol! :rant:


This was a recommendation of The Health Select Committee under the last government - a proposal that was strongly supported by the committee's chairman, Kevin Barron, Labour MP for the Rother Valley.


It's nothing to do with "the toffs being in charge" - you can object all you like, but get your facts right first.

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It'll affect people that like to bulk buy their lager when it's on special offer & other people that look for the lowest prices. The poor, basically.

Nope, I'm pretty sure that it will push prices up for everything, and that includes whatever expensive tipple the middle class like.


It's starting at 40p a unit, no doubt Tescos will push for above inflation increases on that. Tesco wouldn't be arguing for it if they thought it'd reduce sales, it's just government backed price fixing.

Reduced sales will be compensated for by the across the board price increases.


It wont affect problem drinkers, they're addicted & they'll just pay more, steal it, or steal to buy it. If the price goes up too much it'll lead to more crime & a larger black market.

A black market... Maybe, maybe people will just go on more booze cruises or start home brewing.

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