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David Cameron to place minimum price on booze!

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Don't fully understand why this is a terrible thing - and i think its long time overdue. People seem to have become relient on very cheap alcohol. This seems to have increased the amount of alcohol related illnesses and alcohol related crime (not sure why you say it will increase crime). The sooner that Supermarkets are restricted from selling alcohol for hardly anything the better in my eyes.


First off, I think it has very little to do with health, otherwise why not ban alcohol and cigarettes altogether, or even stop sending people out to get shot in wars ... which is very bad for your health?


I think it has more to do with trying to curb perceived antisocial behaviour and possible increased taxes.


Besides, people will just start brewing their own or find a substitute to get their kicks. The government will make themselves even more unpopular, if that's possible.

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why not ban alcohol and cigarettes altogether,


Pandora's Box


Besides, people will just start brewing their own


Exactly - might as well make money out of it. I think this is to try and maximise the profits - more tax, less hospital treatment (they hope).

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Pandora's Box




Exactly - might as well make money out of it. I think this is to try and maximise the profits - more tax, less hospital treatment (they hope).


I hear ya, but when they privatise the NHS I should imagine they'd want all the customers they can get since the hospitals will have stopped being funded by the state.

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Well the MP's won't be bothered about price increases will they, we will still be subsidising their bars in the Houses of Parliament where they can smoke as well. Never mind we are just the people that vote them in and let them get on the gravy train.

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I dont see how raising the price of alcohol persecutes responsible drinkers.


How many responsible drinkers drink their recommended weekly allowance of 21 for men/14 for women units in White Lightening or Tesco Value Vodka?

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Can't come soon enough. Well done Mr Cameron:clap:

Too many people are addicted to alcohol and the sad thing about it is that they don't even realise it themselves.


So the answer to their problems is to make alcohol unaffordable to them is it?


Think about it?!?!?!?!:loopy:

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