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Fatal shootings in Cumbria

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The officers would do normal duties until needed like here in Sheffield.

Well you and I seem to have a good sense of reality so what we ought to do is meet up, find a local 'Benny', give him a shotgun and send hime to the far side of town to draw all the cops from normal duties whilst we went visiting the local banks and post offices on a money shopping spree.:hihi::o:D:suspect:

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The officers would do normal duties until needed like here in Sheffield.


My mate's brother is a Chief Inspector commanding an armed response team in North Yorkshire. Neither he or his fellow officers get involved in normal police duties.


These guys are specialists who need to practice possible events, the last thing that they need to do is regular plodding.

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It really wouldn't have made a blind bit of difference whether they had armed or unarmed officers because the guy was moving randomly always two or three steps ahead of them.


The area he was in is geographically large but with a small population and hence with a small police force. It seems that the few police they did have swarmed the taxi rank area, logically as first instinct would be that it was an isolated incident.


The only chance they would have of stopping him early would be to get to him before he left Whitehaven. After that, with all those country lanes and his local knowledge of the roads: Needle in a haystack. They didn't/don't have a police chopper, presumably because of cost.


They couldn't possibly have anticipated within the three hour time-frame that he would pop up in the places he did.

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My mate's brother is a Chief Inspector commanding an armed response team in North Yorkshire. Neither he or his fellow officers get involved in normal police duties.


These guys are specialists who need to practice possible events, the last thing that they need to do is regular plodding.


I'm almost certain armed officers are involved in traffic duties....99.9% certain.

Are there two different kinds, one lot are armed response and the other are armed police.

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I'm almost certain armed officers are involved in traffic duties....99.9% certain.

Are there two different kinds, one lot are armed response and the other are armed police.


I think that you are correct, I recall being in Chatsworth when Charles and Camilla were visiting. I chatted to two armed officers who I believe were simply normal officers with firearms skills, can't be 100% certain though.

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I think that you are correct, I recall being in Chatsworth when Charles and Camilla were visiting. I chatted to two armed officers who I believe were simply normal officers with firearms skills, can't be 100% certain though.


Can you imagine how scary that responsibility must be. Imagine how scary your first armed encounter is.

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