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Fatal shootings in Cumbria

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I've hiked in Derbyshire What's so special about the landscape or the population? Last time I saw a chopper rescue was in February while in Florida. It landed at one end of a shopping centre parking lot area to airlift an old man who had suffered a heart attack in the store.


Your mountain rescue operation is no doubt efficient but if the patient is transported by ambulance to a hospital some miles away and the roads are jammed with traffic he might be a goner if its a matter of life and death


Anyway truth be told choppers are not easiest to fly, need a lot of maintenance and cost a lot of money to operate so it's a question of budget for many police and rescue agencies


Whilst I have never 'hiked' in the USA, even though it would be beyond my wildest dreams, It would have to be beyond anything to be better than here.

The places I mentioned earlier, Derbyshire, The Lakes and The Dales, surpass most places I have been to in the world.

And beating them all, no matter how far you have walked, you are no more than about 15 miles from a good old English pub, with its lights on, some excellent grub, and good pint.!!:D

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That is why we use air ambulances in the form of big expensive helicopters, search and rescue in the form of big expensive helicopters and police in the form of big expensive helicopters.


We have lots of big expensive helicopters in the UK. I understand that the American President will taking delivery of a fleet of European big expensive helicopters to park on the Whitehouse Lawn.


And maybe one to take you away in but christ I would miss your sparkling wit should we be deprived of any of your future posts.... perish the thought.


Better put me back on your ignore list Tony boy :D

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:) I didn't want to get you too excited by saying that they are British helicopters that Obama has ordered so I watered it down to European.


Obama aint got no say about ordering choppers. That's the Pentagon's job


He just gets to ride in one to Andrews AFB and back now and then

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But just imagine; every time Marine One lands on the Whitehouse lawn you can puff out your chest with pride for ol' Blighty and pipe Rule Britannia on your penny whistle while your redneck pals look dolefully at their weak tastless rice beer in the dark realisation that they are still only colonials ruling the new land by consent of the Monarch.

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Whilst I have never 'hiked' in the USA, even though it would be beyond my wildest dreams, It would have to be beyond anything to be better than here.

The places I mentioned earlier, Derbyshire, The Lakes and The Dales, surpass most places I have been to in the world.

And beating them all, no matter how far you have walked, you are no more than about 15 miles from a good old English pub, with its lights on, some excellent grub, and good pint.!!:D


I dont make a habit of drinking too much ale while hiking. Makes me fart specially while climbing hills and doesn't go down too well with my fellow hikers if they're down wind from me poor bu**ers


I'm a mountain man myself It's just great to stand on top of a big high mountain and see nothing beyond except miles of other mountains, pine forests, the sound of the wind and maybe the sight of an eagle gliding along on an air current. Catch a few fish along the way, light a fire and cook em up then pitch canvas. A nice smooth Bourbon making the rounds and then lying back, gazing up at stars in a pitch black sky that seem almost low enough to reach out and touch, a good cigar, an exchange of raunchy jokes with the lads then off to sleep.


Different strokes for different folks though eh?

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But just imagine; every time Marine One lands on the Whitehouse lawn you can puff out your chest with pride for ol' Blighty and pipe Rule Britannia on your penny whistle while your redneck pals look dolefully at their weak tastless rice beer in the dark realisation that they are still only colonials ruling the new land by consent of the Monarch.


Oh dear oh dear. Just another tired old anti-American tirade. You're losing it Tony lad. Just toddle off to bed now. I think you've had too much Barley wine and you're getting tired and over emotional :hihi:

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