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Fatal shootings in Cumbria

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I have to agree with you GB ... Having had a taxi driver shot locally in September last year in a little station at Cromford, Derbyshire, I am well aware of the mass hysteria the reporter's can churn up.


A horrible, horrible thing to happen and I truly feel for the families and close friends involved.

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While shootings of this kind are still extremely rare in Britain it should give pause for thought amongst the Yank haters amongst you that this kind of senseless killing can and unfortunately will occur anywhere.

So next time there's a shooting somewhere in America dont start gloating. If it can happen in a peaceful Cumbrian village it could happen even in your neighbourhood at any time.

You can pass all the gun control laws you want, try and stop weapons falling into the hands of the wrong people but it all comes to nought when a demented taxi driver can suddrenly run amok armed with a weapon

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While shootings of this kind are still extremely rare in Britain it should give pause for thought amongst the Yank haters amongst you that this kind of senseless killing can and unfortunately will occur anywhere.

So next time there's a shooting somewhere in America dont start gloating. If it can happen in a peaceful Cumbrian village it could happen even in your neighbourhood at any time.

You can pass all the gun control laws you want, try and stop weapons falling into the hands of the wrong people but it all comes to nought when a demented taxi driver can suddrenly run amok armed with a weapon

Do all you ex-pats in the USA have such negative views about the people living in your orginal homeland? I can't think of anyone that's gloated about the loss of life of schoolchildren when someone's flipped and gone on a shooting spree in America. You've got some funny ideas about us, is all I can say. :(


This is a human tragedy and all you can do is use it as an opportunity to have a go at the people of the UK. :huh: Have some compassion for the victims and their families and friends.

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Sometimes people lose it and do things that we cannot understand. We shall never be able to understand it nor legislate for it. Sometimes it simply happens. This time it is over, the guy is dead.

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I think rubbernecking is a perfectly normal reaction, actually. I've spoken to a few friends about the shootings and found that out of the six people I've spoken to, three of us have Google-Earthed where he ditched his car, the taxi rank, AND his house at Rowrah (with his taxi on view outside).


In bad taste? * shrugs * I dunno. I don't feel it is. It seems to originate from a natural desire to know more, and be involved, somehow.


Too much time on my hands? Yeah, probably.

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Do all you ex-pats in the USA have such negative views about the people living in your orginal homeland? I can't think of anyone that's gloated about the loss of life of schoolchildren when someone's flipped and gone on a shooting spree in America. You've got some funny ideas about us, is all I can say. :(


This is a human tragedy and all you can do is use it as an opportunity to have a go at the people of the UK. :huh: Have some compassion for the victims and their families and friends.


What is it with you? Let's hate the ex-pats week? :loopy: You spend a fair amount of time on the SF but not enough apparently to remember some of the comments by the few yank haters following similar type shootings at this end of the swamp. That's who my comments were directed at and no one else. I wont mention their SF names but I know who they are.


Who says I'm having a "go at people in the UK"? You're not becoming delusional are you ?


Yes I feel sorry for kids and loved ones who are victims of these acts of insanity. I've got a family of my own so why wouldn't I feel sorrow for the families in Whitehaven?


In summation my previous post was merely to point out that these kind of shootings can happen in the most unlikely places.


Mental illness knows no borders

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What is it with you? Let's hate the ex-pats week?
Not really, I don't normally notice the three of you, but over the last couple of days, you've all commented negatively on the UK in prominent threads, that's all. No witchhunt! Just coincidence.


I suppose I can't blame any of you for being loyal to your adopted country. I'm obviously the same with my homeland, hence my disagreeing with almost everything the three of you have posted recently. You've certainly become devoted Americans, that's obvious.

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Not really, I don't normally notice the three of you, but over the last couple of days, you've all commented negatively on the UK in prominent threads, that's all. No witchhunt! Just coincidence.


I suppose I can't blame any of you for being loyal to your adopted country. I'm obviously the same with my homeland, hence my disagreeing with almost everything the three of you have posted recently. You've certainly become devoted Americans, that's obvious.


Ruby if I was a young man again and with no family to worry about and Britain was in the same bad situation as it was say in 1940 I'd be over there like a shot to volunteer my services in any way I could. Dont under estimate people like buck and myself. We are of the old school

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Ruby if I was a young man again and with no family to worry about and Britain was in the same bad situation as it was say in 1940 I'd be over there like a shot to volunteer my services in any way I could. Dont under estimate people like buck and myself. We are of the old school
Well, don't be horrid to us then! Let's all be excellent to one another, dude! You know it's the right thing to do! x
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