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Fatal shootings in Cumbria

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Not really,


I suppose I can't blame any of you for being loyal to your adopted country. I'm obviously the same with my homeland, hence my disagreeing with almost everything the three of you have posted recently. You've certainly become devoted Americans, that's obvious.


You bet your ass we have, more so since I've been reading post on some British forums, not just this one.

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Well, don't be horrid to us then! Let's all be excellent to one another, dude! You know it's the right thing to do! x


I only reciprocate and that's all. When posters like the "Pirate" make comments like "99 percent of Americans are just a bunch of sheep" I rise from my recliner to set them straight in my blunt Yorkshire manner of speaking.


Too bad if it offends some but then again some of them deserve it.


As for being "excellent to one another" that's a noble concept but sometimes there is always a little abrasiveness when exchanging points of view. Makes for better conversation. Imagine how dull and mundane the SF would be if everyone just agreed with one another?


I dont think I'd bother posting anymore (which would probably make quite a few people happy I dare say :hihi: )

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Do all you ex-pats in the USA have such negative views about the people living in your orginal homeland? I can't think of anyone that's gloated about the loss of life of schoolchildren when someone's flipped and gone on a shooting spree in America. You've got some funny ideas about us, is all I can say. :(


This is a human tragedy and all you can do is use it as an opportunity to have a go at the people of the UK. :huh: Have some compassion for the victims and their families and friends.


Ruby, too bad you don't know any Americans, and please don't say you do because if you did you wouldn't have such jealous hatred in you, it's a great country, you should visit sometime...I don't mean Disney World either :hihi:

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Ruby, too bad you don't know any Americans, and please don't say you do because if you did you wouldn't have such jealous hatred in you, it's a great country, you should visit sometime...I don't mean Disney World either :hihi:


It's always the people who've never been to America who are the most negative about it.


Yes Ruby should visit America. Travel broadens the mind. No one can gain the right perspective sitting at a keyboard and getting all shirty because some of us ex-pats think that our adopted country deserves words of praise now and then

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Ruby, too bad you don't know any Americans, and please don't say you do because if you did you wouldn't have such jealous hatred in you, it's a great country, you should visit sometime...I don't mean Disney World either :hihi:
Oh, you're such a bitter cow about the UK, We should maybe be glad you left pdq! :D


I've been to USA and I do know quite a few Americans, I actually lived with one for a while, a proper one, not naturalised like you and I love their optimism and derring-do. He even was 'name, name the Third', how cool is that? I just don't like people who use every opportunity to slag us off. Like you've done with poor Otto on the Intros thread. What's he going to think about you when he gets here and finds out that he's given the warmest welcome he's ever had and that he's everyone's 'love'


Anyway it's really bad taste to choose to follow me over onto a thread about violent killings and try to start a row. I'm being excellent to everyone now. Try to follow my example, dude! :)

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