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Whats the WORST thing you've ever done when drunk?

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Am I the only one who has never done anything bad when drunk? :(


John X


Don't think I have anything to report either. :(


If I drink too much I just get to that point where I want to go home, eat a kebab and listen to heavy metal really loud.


Oh and I would never use my teddy to clean up vomit. He's not machine washable for a start!!!

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I disgraced myself in Napolean's about 18 months ago at 3am after a night out on the beer/wine/cocktails (you get the idea).. My companion thought it may be a good idea for me to eat seeing as though I had a reached a point where I could barely see, let alone speak. Food came. Ate half a chip. Threw up all over my plate, and was promptly escorted off the premises by my elbow. Needless to say, I have not been back since. Classy bird, eh?

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*Memo to self. Never even think about going out for a drink with Jabbers.*


Why? He sounds like he knows how to have a good time.


Can't think of the worst at the moment but one of the things i have done was drop my TV onto my laptop

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Oh probably fell asleep during sex. Musn't have been for long cos I woke up and she was still going and obviously hadnt noticed


Have we gone out? :suspect:


Many, many years ago, when my ex-fiance and I first met :love:, I lived on the other side of London to him so it was always a bit of a chore working out when we could spend nights together.


Out with friends, me planning to go home, he was very charmingly drunk, and very persuasive.


"Darling, I wanna you to come back to mine, I love you, pleash let me make passionate love to you, can't bear to be without you...."


How could a girl refuse?


Three hours later...


Me sitting watching one of his man DVDs thinking "I need to get on the first Tube home in abour four hours so I can change for work".


Him, asleep :mad:. Waking up occasionally to say "I lovesh you please come to bed". No sex.


Christ I like being single :|.

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