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Whats the WORST thing you've ever done when drunk?

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I was drinking in a boozer in some remote and very middle classed village with my then girlfriend and some mates. It was a beautiful summer's day so we decided to walk home to her parent's house in the next village. Anyhow, the day's toll caught up with us and we decided to lay down on a grass verge and stare up at the stars whilst embracing each other.


I recall waking up to the sound of church bells and the sound of muffled voices. It wasn't until I properly came too that I discovered that my gf and I had fallen asleep on the grass traffic island right outside the church. We were semi naked, as I recall, and the Sunday worshippers were filing past us and muttering their disapproval.

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My head bump to the lamp post


And according to my friend.


Someone asked my mobile number and I answered him curtly, "yes you can have my number if and only if you will first asked my mom's mobile number".


I such a weird girL. :(

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My second worst thing.....


Someone organised a wine tasting for my birthday. I was busy all day and didn't have time to eat. That's my excuse :|.


It started off with sipping each vintage and being told all its properties, and then slowly became a case of ".....give me more of thatsh one letsh get pished......"


At some stage I was in the backyard vomiting into the gutter and crying. I'm not quite sure why :confused:. When people came out to ask if I was Ok I'm told I kept shouting "I LOVE YOU BUT PLEASE DON'T TOUCH ME, I CAN'T BEAR TO BE TOUCHED, JUST LET ME LIE HERE".


I woke up the next morning with no hangover and cuddled up to a smiling Northern man :love:


(Fine, but my partner then was a Londoner :help:)

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The worst things I've ever done when I was drunk...


...I managed to do them all at once on my stag night, and they involved, miscellaneously, a rather aggressive stripper with a whip and (later) a bucket of ice, a basketball net and partial nakedness combined with many enthusiastic (commiserating?) ladies with very bright lipstick, regurgitation against a most inappropriate support (a restaurant display window with romantic diners on the other side :hihi:) and entry refused at the Leadmill (which takes some doing, or so I was told at the time...well, a bit later on that is).


Ferris Bueller, eat your heart out :D

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I do have some pictures of the aftermath, but I like to keep them to show to people at dinner parties and to impress people I fancy.


I appreciate this was a very manky thing to do, but I'm sure some people can beat it.


Anyone? :)


Can't you put them on flickr for us all to see?

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