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Preacher woman & man with Jesus placard on fargate!

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That is totally different! You can't compair the two! Football fans are like a tribe & they chant in the same way like a tribe.... You wouldn't get a single fan on the tram in the morning singing hi ho sheffield wednesday would you?


She might be passionate, but she is definitely mad!




There is a guy in Stocksbridge who wanders about doing exactly that!


don't get going on the inbred stuff, its dull and unimaginative.

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what's the alternative to free thinking, free association and free speech??

living under communism or the Taliban or any other crackpot regime that stops people living in freedom.

I've seen the woman singing loudly on Fargate and she doesn't bother me at all, she's a local character, I like seeing her and admire her bottle in doing it, and fair play to her.

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Which crazy black lady are we talking about here because I've seen two!


Crazy lady one; an older lady, she's pleasantly plump and apears to be qute friendly! Hand leaflets out for her church on the bus & sings/preaches quite loudly.


Crazy lady two; a youngish, thin woman, walks at a fast pace shouting about Jesus like a proper nutter.


Crazy lady one I like, I'm not the slightest bit religious but If I was, i'd go to her church! Crazy lady two, not so much, she's more of an aggressive preacher, scary for young kids.

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the old guy is called Sid (Short for Sedrick) and is a nice man. Here would be his point of view: He believes that all men are generally evil and God is perfect and good. Because of God's justice he has to punish those who have done wrong, however Jesus choose to be that punishment for anyone who is willing to accept him as their saviour.


So Sid believes he is doing right by all those who walk past, he is trying to help us avoid punishment in hell by telling us about Jesus.


I can find a lot more things offensive in public places, just look around at those swearing, being abusive, smoking, bing drinking, etc etc.


I don't know about the tram lady because i never ride the tram, but she sounds like a real character!

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the old guy is called Sid (Short for Sedrick) and is a nice man. Here would be his point of view: He believes that all men are generally evil and God is perfect and good. Because of God's justice he has to punish those who have done wrong, however Jesus choose to be that punishment for anyone who is willing to accept him as their saviour.


So Sid believes he is doing right by all those who walk past, he is trying to help us avoid punishment in hell by telling us about Jesus.


I can find a lot more things offensive in public places, just look around at those swearing, being abusive, smoking, bing drinking, etc etc.


I don't know about the tram lady because i never ride the tram, but she sounds like a real character!


Milquetoast1 is a nice man too. Here is his point of view. He believes that all people are generally nice, and hell probably doesn't exist.


He has never had sex outside of marriage, used foul language in public, committed a serious driving offence, or abused drugs. Although he is partial to the odd glass of rioja or Timothy Taylor. More importantly he doesn't mind what other people do as long as it stays within the law, and is not upsetting to others. Within that framework he thinks that people should be free to smoke, swear, binge drink, and carry signs if they want to, and others should not be able to restrict those freedoms for the simple reason that they don't approve.


Sedrick might be a very nice man, but I think Milquetoast1's position that people are generally nice and his tolerance of difference makes him nicer.


That's just my opinion though.



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I don't want to know any good news about Jesus! I couldn't care less, I'm not religious, I'm an atheist! I just don't think you should be allowed to spread your religious views in public.


They said, spreading their religious views, to whit atheism, on a public forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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