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Preacher woman & man with Jesus placard on fargate!

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Offended? I applaud his guts to be honest! There is no way I'd stand in public leaving myself open to abuse, fair play to him. I am in no way religious, but everyone has the option to ignore situations rather than get wound up by them. It's surely not as bad as getting harrassed by those annoying "won't take no for an answer unless you're completely rude to em" charity collectors on the Moor and Fargate!


at least they're doing something worthwhile.

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I think TimmyR is referring to Charity Collectors, not the religious nuts!


Ahhh... My bad. Yeah, most of them are charities, but some of them are sales people, trying to sell you littlewoods catalogues and all sorts of crap!

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The man with the "Jesus Saves" sign appears at number 6 on my sliding scale of militancy.


1. Watch Songs Of Praise, or listen to Thought For The Day.

2. Attend a Church, Mosque, or Humanist meeting in the pub.

3. Disagree about the ontological question with friends in private.

4. Disagree about the ontological questions with strangers in a public forum.

5. Write books and articles about the ontological question.

6. Wander in public holding signs, or handing out pamphlets, that claim you have the answer to the ontological question.

7. Knock on the doors of strangers to claim that you have the answer to the ontological question.

8. Take actions to ensure that people you think share the same answer to the ontological question benefit from positive discrimination.

9. Take actions to ensure that people you think don’t share the same answer to the ontological question suffer from negative discrimination.

10. Use or threaten violence against people you think don’t share the same answer to the ontological question.


People at level 7 annoy me, and I have a problem with people at level 8 and above. So if this chap is at level 6 then I think it is fine that he wishes to proclaim his beliefs in such a manner.


I have never met the woman, so don't know where she is on my scale and cannot therefore comment on her potential offensiveness.

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I experienced the lady on the tram the other day for the first time, I understand why you might find it offensive, Im not a fan of having religion of any kind forced upon me.


Her voice sounds like a bloody fog horn! Would it bother you if someone was walking down the tram singing metallica at the top of their voice????:loopy:

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