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Preacher woman & man with Jesus placard on fargate!

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I think it is wrong that she is allowed to do so, but I don't suppose there's much you can do to hinder someone who really has no shame doing what she does, bar locking her up in a padded cell, which wouldn't really be the answer. I know what you mean, if I was strolling up the high street with a ghetto-blaster playing Napalm Death at a high volume, it certainly wouldn't be tollerated, and the City Centre Ambassadors would be on their radios to the Police straight away. Double standards.

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Someone interupting my reading at 8:30am singing at the top of their voice about jesus is hard to ignore!!..........The man on fargate I can just about deal with!


OK I understand someone singing at you can be a pain. But why did you say in your OP that the guy with the sign offends you??


I am very confused:confused:

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If it's the man I think it is he lives near Marlcliffe School - I went to school with his son.


It's amazing he's been doing it for years - particularly at SWFC when there's a game on - Jesus Saves on the placard (but Hirsty nets the rebound, as we used to shout)

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There are many people with mental 'elf' issues who second themselves to god. I suppose the next stage is seeing god (like mahammed and moses) and the most deluded stage is thinking they are god.


Perhaps there should be community mental elf nurses to support them like there are support staff for street drinkers.

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Has anyone stopped to talk to the old man on the end of fargate with his religious plaque?


Am I the only person in Sheffield who is actually offended by this man & the thoroughly annoying black woman who gets on the tram & bellows out like a possessed woman! :loopy:


You really are not gifted with tolerance are you.


The woman who sings (Gwen) is fabulous....just a couple of weeks ago I sang a bit with her on the tram....I just love annoying people like YOU whilst spreading the good news of Jesus.:hihi:


And are you hanging about Fargate for the man with the placard to irritate you.....could I suggest you just go about your business and move away from him....simples. :)

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