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Preacher woman & man with Jesus placard on fargate!

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I don't believe in god & I hate religion, I don't want it forcing on me every morning!


Don't be such a big girl's blouse.


It's not like the mad black woman has kidnapped you, tied you up and forced you to listen to her singing, is it?


Either ignore it or take a different route through the city centre.



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You really are not gifted with tolerance are you.


The woman who sings (Gwen) is fabulous....just a couple of weeks ago I sang a bit with her on the tram....I just love annoying people like YOU whilst spreading the good news of Jesus.:hihi:


And are you hanging about Fargate for the man with the placard to irritate you.....could I suggest you just go about your business and move away from him....simples. :)


I don't want to know any good news about Jesus! I couldn't care less, I'm not religious, I'm an atheist! I just don't think you should be allowed to spread your religious views in public.

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I've also encountered the woman singing hymns. She's happy and content with her god and wants to share in her good news. She probably doesn't really cause a nuisance. I suspect she's probably got mental health problems, but appears quite harmless.


The guy with the Jesus placard in Fargate once engaged me in conversation with his colleague. They talked to me about Jesus dying on the cross for my sins. I asked if homosexuality was a sin - and they readily concurred that it was, quoting various biblical texts to support this contention.


I asked if, as I had heard tell, we are all made in god's image. Again they readily concurred, quoting scripture. So I said how could I, as a gay man - but apparently made in their god's image - possibly be regarded as sinful for loving another man?


They appeared somewhat stumped for an answer. However, I let them off the hook by informing them that I was in any case an atheist and didn't share their belief in a god.


Cue: grahame's entrance into this discussion?

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I don't want to know any good news about Jesus! I couldn't care less, I'm not religious, I'm an atheist! I just don't think you should be allowed to spread your religious views in public.


I always find that word funny....why would there be a word for someone who doesn't believe in God....by using the very word you acknowledge that you don't believe in something that other people believe in...thus proving therefore that HE exists :hihi:


I am sure that if I didn't believe in something's existence I would not have a word for it....because there wouldn't be one....as the thing I don't believe in wouldn't exist and therefore would not need a word. :D

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Don't see why this is any different to chavs being gobby or blasting ringtones from the back of the bus. Is it more tolerable?


I always find that word funny....why would there be a word for someone who doesn't believe in God....by using the very word you acknowledge that you don't believe in something that other people believe in...thus proving therefore that HE exists :hihi:


Not really, it just acknowledges other people believe in it.

If I believe in a random monster that I feel I must obey what I construe as its wishes in order to avoid a gruesome death and someone comes up with a word for people that don't believe in my crazy monster thing. Does it make it real?


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I always find that word funny....why would there be a word for someone who doesn't believe in God....by using the very word you acknowledge that you don't believe in something that other people believe in...thus proving therefore that HE exists :hihi:


I'm going to regret this BUT I have to attempt to reason with you. Part of your argument is correct. By using the word 'atheist' you do indeed ackowledge that you don't believe in something that other people believe in. That there is a word proves nothing apart from that at the time the default positon of society was that God existed. Therefore a word was needed to distinguish those who did not believe this. Trying to imply more is nonsense.


However if I was to believe your argument it says nothing about the nature of said God and certainly does not deny the udoubted truth that is the Almighty Female Great Pasta Eater.


***This has been sponsored by the Church of Pastafarianism, Second Unrevised Branch***

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I'm going to regret this BUT I have to attempt to reason with you. Part of your argument is correct. By using the word 'atheist' you do indeed ackowledge that you don't believe in something that other people believe in. That there is a word proves nothing apart from that at the time the default positon of society was that God existed. Therefore a word was needed to distinguish those who did not believe this. Trying to imply more is nonsense.


However if I was to believe your argument it says nothing about the nature of said God and certainly does not deny the udoubted truth that is the Almighty Female Great Pasta Eater.


***This has been sponsored by the Church of Pastafarianism, Second Unrevised Branch***


Is this the Church with the Flying Spaghetti monster??? If so can I have extra cheese on mine please :D

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Not really, it just acknowledges other people believe in it.

If I believe in a random monster that I feel I must obey what I construe as its wishes in order to avoid a gruesome death and someone comes up with a word for people that don't believe in my crazy monster thing. Does it make it real?



For you it does...and for all things I say live and let live.....just cling onto whatever rock gets you through the day.


It's just in my particular case my rock is Christianity. :)

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Ask the God -botherers this question...( I have on a number of times to the door-knockers, and have never had a decent answer)..


If God made Adam and Eve, and Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel....you with me so far??..Where did Cain and Abel's partners come from for them to be able to reproduce??


The answer I had was that they had daughters also...so I said..'that means we are all the product of incestuous relationships, albeit with 2 women who were never even mentioned in the Bible'....


Go figure..?????

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Is this the Church with the Flying Spaghetti monster??? If so can I have extra cheese on mine please :D


It is indeed. :) But unfortunately Cheese was banned by the Second Convention of Tooting as an abomination... this unsurprisingly caused a great schism in the church...


Actually going back to the point of the thread. I have no problem with the placard guy in town and actually respect him, though I do not follow his views. The woman who I have seen at least a dozen times is normally harmless and bothers me not. Once she annoyed the life out of me by trying to hold a revivalist style prayer meeting on the bus. Attendance was not optional...

Edited by libertarian
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