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Preacher woman & man with Jesus placard on fargate!

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If you really do believe in the scriptures, then you will know that people who are not 'saved' will burn in hell for eternity (Jesus likes his sinners crisp). It then has to be your life goal to convert as many people as possible to the way of the Lord. How could you pass someone by who may find redemption and eternal salvation through your deeds?


You must help as many of the flock as you can to find jesus' love before it is too late.

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I always find that word funny....why would there be a word for someone who doesn't believe in God....by using the very word you acknowledge that you don't believe in something that other people believe in...thus proving therefore that HE exists :hihi:


So you believe in Zeus then? Cool.

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I have no problem with people expressing their religious views, what down right annoys me is when they should it in front of children and wave their magazines and sign boards in front of our faces....i dont want ANY influence on my childs religion, if she wishes to become religious she can decide that when shes older but i do not believe in forcing religion on people.


And the woman who goes around singing, i cant remember what my friend told me perfect cause it was a while ago now but apparently she went and started preaching the bible to her and her little ones...its not right people will come to YOU if they want to know about religion they arent going to be interested if you force it down their throats!!!


I remember seeing a heated discussion between someone and the bloke with the big sign...


Silly question but do they actually have permission?????????

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I have no problem with people expressing their religious views, what down right annoys me is when they should it in front of children and wave their magazines and sign boards in front of our faces....i dont want ANY influence on my childs religion, if she wishes to become religious she can decide that when shes older but i do not believe in forcing religion on people.


And the woman who goes around singing, i cant remember what my friend told me perfect cause it was a while ago now but apparently she went and started preaching the bible to her and her little ones...its not right people will come to YOU if they want to know about religion they arent going to be interested if you force it down their throats!!!


I remember seeing a heated discussion between someone and the bloke with the big sign...


Silly question but do they actually have permission?????????


I didn't force my non-religion on my older kids when they were growing up. People took them to church on occasion and I kept quiet. My daughter asked me if I believed in god when she got to about eleven and I said 'no'. She replied that she didn't either.


It sickens me that children are categorised as muslim or catholic et al. You wouldn't go round labelling children as 'pro-life' or 'tory' or 'anti-vivisectionists' so why is it ok to label them with the parents' religion, send them to a faith school and watch the divide get even wider?

Edited by Bloomdido
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So you believe in Zeus then? Cool.
Is he the guy from my local kebab shop????

I'm assuming you are an atheist with respect to Zeus, the king of the gods not the local kebab shop owner, so by your logic he must exist.


Alternatively, early Christians were labeled atheists by non-Christians because of their disbelief in pagan gods, so you must think pagan gods exist.



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Now the question is why do they feel the need to shove it down peoples throats...???


I think you're being a little dramatic here. Is the mad black woman blocking your path? Is she preventing you from going on your way?


People are just going to ignore them and think them nutters....this thread proves it.


Agreed. But you gotta admire their eccentricity :)

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No Jason i dont think im being melodramatic, i dont want to hear about the bible or god or anything especially when im having the most rubbish day on the planet, and i CERTIANLY dont want my child being bombarded with preaching at 11 months old when shes starting to really understand things.


Why cant they be a bit more respectful. Have a little bench stand in a tend like the organic people did and invite people in for a chat ... makes you look a lot more responsible and gives religion a better impression.

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