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Preacher woman & man with Jesus placard on fargate!

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again she is not mad she is a qualified teacher,are you a mental health expert ?she might appear mad to you but have a chat to her first before you make your (opinionated)judgement


I apologise when I said 'mad black woman' I thought it was obvious that I was quoting someone earlier and that I was witholding judgement. Apparently that didnt come through. Oops.

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I've seen both of these people in town, and they don't bother me tbh. They don't move from their little spot, so I can happily avoid them/ignore them as I want to.


What I didn't like however, is the four or five occassions when I've been sat on the bus or the tram only to have the lady stand up at the front and preach to the entire bus in what can only be described as a bellow. In such an enclosed space, aside from headphones, there really is no escape - and this is where the notion of it 'being thrust upon us' comes from.


When they are in town, it's my decision if I want to get close enough to linger and listen to them; on a bus it's out of my control.


I don't want to be preached to on a bus, in much the same way I don't want to be preached to at the front door. The difference here, is that I can shut my front door.

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The woman makes me rather uncomfortable, I must admit. She once walked into KFC while I was eating my lunch, sat down besides me and promptly told me I would go to hell if I didn't believe in God. I just tried to concentrate on my food and not retaliate as she kept telling me this.


The most awkward ten minutes ever. :help:

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I have no problem with people expressing their religious views, what down right annoys me is when they should it in front of children and wave their magazines and sign boards in front of our faces....i dont want ANY influence on my childs religion, if she wishes to become religious she can decide that when shes older but i do not believe in forcing religion on people.


And the woman who goes around singing, i cant remember what my friend told me perfect cause it was a while ago now but apparently she went and started preaching the bible to her and her little ones...its not right people will come to YOU if they want to know about religion they arent going to be interested if you force it down their throats!!!


I remember seeing a heated discussion between someone and the bloke with the big sign...


Silly question but do they actually have permission?????????


As they are not street traders, they do not need a license from the council.

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again she is not mad she is a qualified teacher,are you a mental health expert ?she might appear mad to you but have a chat to her first before you make your (opinionated)judgement


I have some professional mental health expertise. She would only be considered 'mad' if she thought she was god. In the absence of any such delusional thoughts, she's just in love with her Jesus and simply wants to share the good news by singing about him.

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I have some professional mental health expertise. She would only be considered 'mad' if she thought she was god. In the absence of any such delusional thoughts, she's just in love with her Jesus and simply wants to share the good news by singing about him.


haha, I bet their are even psychiatrists who believe in "god", sectioning people or giving them meds because they have differing delusions... "Dr Dr, I have this belief that the eamoln holmes is god, and i have to worship him, and i pray to him at night" "Ah, well, we all know that its actually some beardy chap from this old book thats the one we should worship. have these antipsychotics"

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The singing woman on the tram is just slightly amusing on Friday afternoon heading home from work. She seems like just another eccentric with a really bad meme infection. However when she starts up on the tram at 7am on a Monday morning its bl**dy irritating.

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My opinion for what its worth. I am an athiest. The mad woman is entertaining. The placard man could be selling windows or newspapers for all I care to notice him. Doesnt bother me in the slightest.


The problem I have is with the suited and booted gentlemen that seem to swamp the area near park hill flats. They dress smartly carry the bible and harass people.

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