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Anyone want to start walking to get fit

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  • 2 years later...

Just recycling a walking to get fit post to let people know of help in getting walking routes up to scratch.




Walking is a good way to get fit. Doesn't cost anything and you will feel great.

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Try the Sheffield Walking Group, here is the website




Its free and they go to all kinds of locations in the peaks and surrouding areas. Try one of the shorter walks to start off with, as many people underestimate how good/or at times intense walking is, as a form of excercise.


Might be worth pointing out though, that this group seems to discriminate heavily against anyone who is aged 40+ (i.e. they are not allowed.)

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Certainly not true that sheff walking group discriminate against people who are over 40 years old. On any given walk there are plenty of 40 somethings, in fact many of the walk leaders are over the dreaded age of 40.


So why is "The walking group for people in their 20s & 30s" in a big banner at the top of every page on their website? :)


In their FAQ, when asked if 40+ are welcome, they direct them to another group -




which is for walkers in their 40's (although, this group, on their first page, do point out that-


"The group is aimed at people in and around their forties but is happy to accept anyone of any age as long as you are over 18 and up for a laugh. You don't even need to live in Sheffield!"


If the group you link to does indeed, despite all evidence to the contrary on their site, welcome people aged 40+, then I'd suggest you get them to have a very serious look at their website, with an eye to removing the current discriminatory text on it.


Bear in mind that some aged 40+ may be insecure about their physical fitness and perhaps a little lacking in confidence, and, on encountering a site with a headline banner proudly proclaiming "The walking group for people in their 20s & 30s", may well promptly leave it, quite possibly feeling that little bit older than they did when they clicked on the link.

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