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Womens magazines

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You know the ones I mean. Here, Now, Look, Closer, Take A Break, Chat etc.


At our staff room at work each week a new copy of each and Heat arrives. Nobody admits to buying it but everybody reads it. I've even been drawn in and although they are almost identical i'm confused. Is this what women are thinking about all day? Weight loss, weight gain, hair, clothes, make up, shoes, Big Brother, "celebrities" and so on. Say it isn't so because I really believe women are smarter than this tacky, lowest denominator trash

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I have a sense of deja vu!


I agree, it's all mindless trash. Do I care what Jordan is doing, as she seems to grace the cover of every one of these mags? How many make up, diet, bikini, clothes tips does a girl need? And how is it that anyone gets the thumbs up on having a good figure as the celebs they feature are either too fat, too thin or shock horror have a wonky toe, a few stray eyebrows hairs or shock horror - some body hair.


I have a cursory flick through at the hairdresser's but that's it, however, they depress me.


They'll all the cover to cover BB features now, so I won't bother even having a cursory flick next time I'm at the hairdresser's.

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My OH gets the damn lot each week!


She sniggers at the "Things that men do" a section where ladies send in stories about how stupid their hubbys are, then she reads atricles that are usually titled "Help! I have a tumour the size of a London bus on my forehead!" and insists on reading the stories out to me while Im trying to watch telly or sulk or something.


Todays tale of woe was about a lady who had trouble with her optic nerves, she was told that she could go blind at any time so at the age of 17 she got married had a baby so she could see his little face before the blindness set in.


One morning shortly after the baby was born she woke up to complete blackness - she had gone blind...


A few weeks later her hubby turned to her and said `I`m leaving you, you arent the woman I married.`


My OH glared at me as if it was my fault and informed me that all men are pigs who ought to be castrated by hand grenade at birth.



I once told her that 99% of the stories are probably written by the same person, someone paid to put stories like that in womens mags.


She didnt talk to me for two weeks.


Not that I`m complaining, at least I didnt have to listen to more tales of woe.

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My OH gets the damn lot each week!


She sniggers at the "Things that men do" a section where ladies send in stories about how stupid their hubbys are, then she reads atricles that are usually titled "Help! I have a tumour the size of a London bus on my forehead!" and insists on reading the stories out to me while Im trying to watch telly or sulk or something.


Todays tale of woe was about a lady who had trouble with her optic nerves, she was told that she could go blind at any time so at the age of 17 she got married had a baby so she could see his little face before the blindness set in.


One morning shortly after the baby was born she woke up to complete blackness - she had gone blind...


A few weeks later her hubby thrned to her and said `I`m leaving you, you arent the woman I married.`


My OH glared at me as if it was my fault and informed me that all men are pigs who ought to be castrated by hand grenade at birth.



I once told her that 99% of the stories are probably written by the same person, someone paid to put stories like that in womens mags.


She didnt talk to me for two weeks.


Not that I`m complaining, at least I didnt have to listen to more tales of woe.

Who are these ridiculous people who appear in these magazines? How monumentally thick some of them are and how psychopathic the magazines are. On one page you'll get a recipe for jam while opposite you'll get a story about how someone found a crisp that was exectly the same shape as their dead husbands profile and it was sent as a "sign" followed by them demolishing some poor cow who dared eat a twix.


I honestly think that if in the movie se7en the killer had been a writer for one of these magazines nobody would have questioned it.

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.. followed by them demolishing some poor cow who dared eat a twix.



What, both fingers in one sitting? The fat greedy b*tch!


AND I'll bet she dipped it in the jam on page 29.


Going to Iceland with the BOGOF coupon for black forest gateaux tommorow though. Not able to freeze them though because of the long running saga with Halleys Electricals with a faulty freezer - the tale of which is fully documented on pages 53,54,55,56,57,58 & 59 so I shall eat them both.


But it's OK because on page 6 it tells you how eating a piece of raw cauliflower a day is how Shania Spears went from a size 59 to a 10 in 3 weeks after giving birth to nonuplets

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Who are these ridiculous people who appear in these magazines? How monumentally thick some of them are and how psychopathic the magazines are. On one page you'll get a recipe for jam while opposite you'll get a story about how someone found a crisp that was exectly the same shape as their dead husbands profile and it was sent as a "sign" followed by them demolishing some poor cow who dared eat a twix.


I honestly think that if in the movie se7en the killer had been a writer for one of these magazines nobody would have questioned it.


A lot of these so called everyday people who feature in these mags contact them to run their 'story', for which they get paid and get their precious 15 minutes. It's quite sad really but no different to Jeremy Kyle, just in a different format.

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A lot of these so called everyday people who feature in these mags contact them to run their 'story', for which they get paid and get their precious 15 minutes. It's quite sad really but no different to Jeremy Kyle, just in a different format.


But Disco's right..


Many of these 'stories' are just that.. somebody with far too much time on their hands, dreaming up a load of nonsense and putting it all down on paper and they get paid a few quid if it features....


Much like you do with the forum :D


You should think one up and send it in....earn yourself a few quid :thumbsup:

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But Disco's right..


Many of these 'stories' are just that.. somebody with far too much time on their hands, dreaming up a load of nonsense and putting it all down on paper and they get paid a few quid if it features....


Much like you do with the forum :D


You should think one up and send it in....earn yourself a few quid :thumbsup:

Hmmm, what shall I write about ?:huh:

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I hate those trashy magazines. I couldn't care less about which celebrity's lost/ gained 5lbs... celebrity sweat patches... ridiculous stories like 'I was raped by a dog with 3 legs'... I can think of a million better ways to spend my time and money.

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