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Womens magazines

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What is really disgusting, is the way in which these magazines castigate women for having a stretch mark, cellulite, a spot etc, no wonder so many resort to cosmetic surgery and have serious body issues. They're portrayed as freaks, yet those air brushed to oblivion models, who resemble some kind of wax work, are increasing being promoted as the 'gold standard' and thereby normalised.


Yes and hopefully people can see the kind of grotesque idealisation this creates. It's all driven by the advertisers who generate most of the revenue for these magazines. The more they can instil this feeling of imperfection in women's minds, the more selling power their advertisers have in providing the solutions to those manufactured problems. It's simple, yet very effective and incredibly subversive.

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Yeah, that's the impression I got. Like you must be "imaginary" if you're anything less than a size 12! Women are women no matter what size. Models are real women too, so are big women, small women etc.

be fair though magazines airbrush pics to the point of becoming unreal

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I'm astounded by the number of these mags and how similar they are. My OH is an intelligent woman but can't resist them (along with a load of crappy TV like America's next top model). It's all escapism, just more soap, not intended to reflect the real world, it's vicarious living. The alternative? Well you have to get a real life of your own and that's just too difficult for most. (Don't shoot, just friendly provocation).


PS "Psychologies" previously mentioned (Star1234), although marketed with women in mind is a good read for men and women (although I wouldn't read it on the bus!) It's about self awareness, self improvement, empowering yourself to do more with your life, but like I said that's just too challenging for most. (Entertain me! Pass the wine! Pass the chocolate, pass the trash mag, let me laugh at fat b*tches, thin b*tches, lonely b*tches, sick b*tches, but whatever you do, don't pass me a mirror or ask me what my plans are for a better life). 8)

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