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Cultural Diversity

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Good morning colleagues.


Might I tease you with a question or two at the start of the working day?


1. There seems almost to have been a Muslim/Jihadist recruitment campaign on some of the Forum pages recently. Is the BNP allowed such licence?


2. A work colleague's electronic diary for Friday afternoons is always blocked out with "Mosque". I know that he is paid for the time. If I wanted to take time out - say, to travel to the "Biretta Belt" of Goldthorpe for an outdoor procession of the Blessed Sacrament on the feast of Corpus Christi (it's just an example) I would have to take annual leave.


I'm not asking for generalised replies, because it leads to ranting, and there's plenty of that going on already. But am interested to hear of similar experiences.....


If your company pays one person to attend to their religious ablutions, then they will have to pay you for yours... Get yourself off for an hour a day during Holy Week (after all, it is the most important festival in the Christian calendar!) Corpus Christi etc... Where I work they also let people take time out for religious activities, and I had the afternoon off for my pilgrimage to see St Therese of Liseux last year... Don't assume your company has one rule for one, tell them you need the time - If they don't want to pay you and tell you that this other person doesn't get paid either, double check this and then do what you have to do if it turns out that they lied... You might miss a few festivals this year, but you will be bound to be sorted for Walsingham or Holy Week! Good luck!

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I was in a queue in a cramped little staff toilet in a shopping mall in Kuwait in October 2004. There was a short line of muslim* workers ahead of me. I don't remember how many there were, but I do remember that at least some of them, and possibly all of them, entered the cubicle, closed the door, climbed onto the seat (their heads briefly appearing above the above the top of the cubicle) and then turned and disappeared down again. When it was my turn for a poo, I had to clean off the footprints on the toilet seat.


I didn't actually see what they did inside the cubicle. My assumption is that they used the toilet. I could be wrong.


I'd pretty much forgotten about it until I saw the posts on this thread.








*They were arabic manual workers in a muslim country. They may all have been christians or atheists, but I'd be surprised if they weren't mostly muslims. I also wouldn't be surprised if those behind me in the queue noticed that I didn't pop up, turn and duck down in the cubicle, and probably had a good laugh about the 'ignorant, christian european who didn't know how to use a toilet properly' little suspecting that I'm actually an arab and an atheist (so two out of three ain't bad!).


There is no religious boundary on ignorance and stupidity. Just look at the Asian haters of the EDL being led down the garden path by an Asian Sikh. :lol:

I stopped over in Dubai in transit and witnessed an Asian looking gent take his flip flops off and hold them in hand before boarding an escalator, upon reaching the top he didn't step forward and got his toes badly cut and bleeding at the top of the escalator. He didn't half hop about afterwards though but just didn't step forward when he should have. I wouldn't assume his religion had anything to do with his actions but simply not accustomed to going up escalators. Similarly it is offensive for some to suggest that this practice you describe is anything religious, but will accept maybe some would not be familiar with how to use the toilet as we are here, or how to use the escalator for that matter.

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There is no religious boundary on ignorance and stupidity. Just look at the Asian haters of the EDL being led down the garden path by an Asian Sikh. :lol:

I stopped over in Dubai in transit and witnessed an Asian looking gent take his flip flops off and hold them in hand before boarding an escalator, upon reaching the top he didn't step forward and got his toes badly cut and bleeding at the top of the escalator. He didn't half hop about afterwards though but just didn't step forward when he should have. I wouldn't assume his religion had anything to do with his actions but simply not accustomed to going up escalators. Similarly it is offensive for some to suggest that this practice you describe is anything religious, but will accept maybe some would not be familiar with how to use the toilet as we are here, or how to use the escalator for that matter.


Perhaps you could point out the place where i suggest that standing on toilet seats is a religious practice? I was responding to spindrift's and superstar1's accusations.


However, I'm pretty sure that Mohammed is quoted on one of the sunnah as stating that muslims should squat when weeing. With that in mind, it's entirely possible that some muslims do deliberately squat on toilet seats for religious reasons. Why is that an offensive suggestion?


Personally I don't care either way, and I'm not sure why anyone else would. I'm more than happy to defend anyone from false accusations but, given that I have personal experience of muslims squatting on toilet seats, I can't see the sense in pretending none have or would.


First time I saw a bidet (also in the middle east) I assumed it was a urinal, and used it as such for a while! I'm sure I'm not the only person to have done that. If someone started a thread saying that atheists wee in bidets I'd have to agree with them, although I'm pretty sure it's not something Richard Dawkins endorses, or has ever done!

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No this is getting stupid now so just because i am curious i tried to squat on my toilet seat,



What a mess, :hihi:

I dropped my trousers and pants then couldnt get my foot up high enough to get on the seat as my trouser legs didnt stretch so had to take one leg out of my pants / trousers ( i took my shoes off as not to upset the wife) then just as i thought i was on (facing the wall) i had to balance and turn around it was difficult holding on to one trouser leg and the wall, eventually i managed to turn around so now i started to squat which was no easy feat considering i suffer from a little arthritise in me knee, once down i started to do my bussines (it was a little loose), my arms weren't long enough to turn the pages of my newspaper over and being so far up i couldnt make out the text as it was so small so i just stared at the same page for a couple of minutes, any way once i had finished went to get the loo role but it had run out and the new one was in the cabnit across the bathroom, so now im trying to get off the seat but i couldnt stand back up cause my knee had locked then trying to pull my self up i dropped my trouser leg in to the pan and it was sodden, i am ashamed to say that i had to call my wife in to help me off the seat and she weren't impressed cause she was in the middle of eating her tea and to top it all the diareah had run down my leg before i could clean it up.


No its not for me and i cant believe any one does its just scaremongering. :loopy:

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No this is getting stupid now so just because i am curious i tried to squat on my toilet seat,



What a mess, :hihi:

I dropped my trousers and pants then couldnt get my foot up high enough to get on the seat as my trouser legs didnt stretch so had to take one leg out of my pants / trousers ( i took my shoes off as not to upset the wife) then just as i thought i was on (facing the wall) i had to balance and turn around it was difficult holding on to one trouser leg and the wall, eventually i managed to turn around so now i started to squat which was no easy feat considering i suffer from a little arthritise in me knee, once down i started to do my bussines (it was a little loose), my arms weren't long enough to turn the pages of my newspaper over and being so far up i couldnt make out the text as it was so small so i just stared at the same page for a couple of minutes, any way once i had finished went to get the loo role but it had run out and the new one was in the cabnit across the bathroom, so now im trying to get off the seat but i couldnt stand back up cause my knee had locked then trying to pull my self up i dropped my trouser leg in to the pan and it was sodden, i am ashamed to say that i had to call my wife in to help me off the seat and she weren't impressed cause she was in the middle of eating her tea and to top it all the diareah had run down my leg before i could clean it up.


No its not for me and i cant believe any one does its just scaremongering. :loopy:


..this, really is too much information :hihi::hihi:

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Maybe if SOME of them learned how to use the toilet properly they wouldent need to be watched to a point the health and safety officer at toyoda was talking about putting cameras in the toilets:huh:


..yes, of course they were.

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Maybe if SOME of them learned how to use the toilet properly they wouldent need to be watched to a point the health and safety officer at toyoda was talking about putting cameras in the toilets:huh:


Are you a clairvoyant? Are you channelling a 15 watt light bulb?


(Oh, and just FYI, it's illegal to have cameras in a lavatory.)

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