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Help - may have done a very stupid thing and need advice!

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It seems I am also having the same issues as you are woeenireeni! I feel we may both have been conned. I booked my holiday to an apartment with a very similar address as you in Marbella (just a different portal number) and have not been able to get in contact with the vendor since I payed in full. It sounds like they have had the same approach, I have also signed a contract and have paid in full. I did take a mobile number however this is now uncontactable.


I have spoken to my bank and they are on the case but I now cannot stop been pesimistic.


I have tried all over the place to try and research the place some more and have found nothing concrete to make me believe that this place really exists :(



I do hope you get out there and find that it is all ok and once booked that they are just waiting for you to arrive and enjoy your holiday!


Please could you let me know how you get on, as I am now looking for somewhere else to stay (I fly out in july).


If you still wish to fight our cause together then I would greatly appreciate it and may be, just may be we could get some of our hard earned pennies back.


Sorry that I have not been able to deliver some happy news but I hope you can take comfort in the fact that I thought I was the only silly one in the world to fall for this, however I think there may be many many more of us genuinely trusting folk out there!

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depending on how you paid for the holiday you might be able to get your money back. If it was a direct transfer you need to contact your bank and tell them what's happened. They should be able to reverse the transaction for you. This will involve you filling in a fraud form and the bank will investigate on your behalf. Card payments can be clawed back as can direct debits. Speak to your bank!!!

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My brother put his car for sale on Gumtree and he's been swamped with people abroad wanting to Paypal him the money and send a UK mate round to collect the car.


It seems that it's become another scammers nest, just like Ebay and Craigslist.

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Ah-ha, now there's a cunning plan!


Reminds me of the folks who bait the 419 scammers:




Jeez boyfriday! It's three in the morning and I've just finished reading your scam baiting link (well..most of it!) .... It's only taken me two bloody hours! :o:o

Please provide shorter links in future or at least have the courtesy to inform posters to prepare sandwiches and a flask of coffee! Couldn't stop reading it once I started... nice link! :gag::hihi:

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My brother put his car for sale on Gumtree and he's been swamped with people abroad wanting to Paypal him the money and send a UK mate round to collect the car.


It seems that it's become another scammers nest, just like Ebay and Craigslist.


When I was last looking for houses to rent, I was living at 36 Sultan Road - my friend found a property on gumtree which was advertised as 35 Sultan Road, and looked fantastic, with a great price.


Of course when she showed it me, I took one look at the pictures and pointed out that it looked nothing like my house, and that it looked nothing like the house across the road. We went round to tell them that they were being used as part of a scam and they didn't have a clue.


Of course, there's nothing that the police can do about it, they're all based abroad.


That being said, I did find the house we're living in now through Gumtree, and it's the best property I've ever rented, so it's not all bad.

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Jeez boyfriday! It's three in the morning and I've just finished reading your scam baiting link (well..most of it!) .... It's only taken me two bloody hours! :o:o

Please provide shorter links in future or at least have the courtesy to inform posters to prepare sandwiches and a flask of coffee! Couldn't stop reading it once I started... nice link! :gag::hihi:


lol, sorry Alco, I know what you mean, it had the same effect on me when I first found it, I wish I could have had the same dedication to revising! :D

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Despite what your bank says I know for a fact that they can recall any money that has left your account. With the only possible exception being a direct transfer. Unfortunately you have to put your foot down with banks as they will try to pass the buck and get out of doing anything that doesn't make them any money. So get on to them and keep bugging them until they do as you ask. Don't forget, It's us taxpayers that own the banks!!!!

I was a bank manager up until a year ago so know that this can be done, but I also know the attitudes of the staff. They don't like wasting time on non-profit customers!!! What has happened is fraud and so should be investigated by the banks fraud department, Firstly to get your money back and secondly to ensure that other customers don't suffer the same. Good luck x

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Thanks very much for your advice Danniuk, I have spoken to the bank now and they seem to be taking their time in following anything up so I will keep perstering. The recall has been started so I am still waiting to here from them. It goods to know there is something that can be done and that potentially will stop people faling into the same trap as me! If I get any news I will let you know how I get on.


There is also a small part me hoping that weenirini comes back and says that the apartment does exist and everything will be fine, however the pessimist in me just can't quite believe it!


Thanks again x

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Sorry but the information posted above is not true.


The bank can reverse some types of transaction, but direct transfers cannot be reversed. All you have done is instruct the bank to send money to someone. The bank know nothing of the reason or underlying contract so can't be held responsible if it goes wrong.


In addition, the money has probably already been withdrawn from the other account, so how would they send it back.


In addition, how would you feel if you received payment for something, then a few weeks later the bank sent it back, because the person who paid had complained.


Sorry, I know it's harsh but please don't blame the bank for being unable to help (this time at least).


I assume you paid by SWIFT in which case a recall involves asking the person who received the money if it should be returned. It is unlikely this will be successful.

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