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HELP! Is anyone Hypermobile?

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I was diagnosed as Hypermobile in my wrists, elbows, shoulders, jaw,hips, knees and ankles a few years ago.


I have had physio in the past which helps to a point. And mainly just get on with it, although eating out with people who dont know me can be embarrassing when my jaw decided to dislocate.


When I lived in Barnsley my GP was fantastic and really supportive but since moving to Sheffield and becoming pregnant I have found hardly any support or help from my GP.


My hip has now started to dislocate sometimes 2-3 times per day, I now cannot turn over in bed or it does it, I cannot get out of the bath as when I try and stand it does it. A few weeks ago (before I knew I was expecting) It did it as I walked down the stairs. My OH is fantastic and has had to help at 3 in the morning when it goes and I am screaming in pain, or when it does it getting out of the bath and he has to lift me out. Im just fed up.


I have been told that I can have Physio again and as Im expecting I have been referred to women only clinic at Jessops which is a group session helping to deal with hip and pelvis pain so I dont think it will be entirly suitable as I am not in a huge amount of pain am suffering with the dislocation more than the pain of the syndrome.


So my question is, does anyone else suffer from this? Has anyone got through pregnancy with it? If so all tips gratefully recieved. And is there anywhere in sheffield which can offer me support and/or advice. I have read the occupational health is better than physio how do I go about getting a referral for that?


My midwife has tried to offer some help but does not understand it fully and I dont think she really understand how bad it is.


I sleep with the offending hip slightly higher than my better one which helps, I have always found it more comfy to sleep on my tummy with the worse side curled up under me, But now I am pregnant I cannot do this anymore.


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