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How Posh Are You?

Guest sibon

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According to this article, you are posh if you do the following:


Shop at Waitrose.

Say "supper" instead of "dinner".

Own an Aga.

Employ a cleaner.

Have an interest in horses or sailing.


So, are you posh?




i sometimes go to waitrose but seen as i live with my parents i don't generally do the shopping..but my mum goes when she's doing a dinner party or something. i say dinner. we have a rangemaster but we have an aga bread bin.. (haha). we have a cleaner, and i'm interested in horse racing..(if that counts)


judge me urself :):hihi:

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I went into waitrose the other day. Took a friend of mine who wanted some fresh veg for a meal. We did not buy anything. Now the food may be all pretty - the onions chopped and freshly bagged; the beans sliced; the lettuce chopped and so on - but first of all - nothing wrong with preparing your own damned vegetables - and second - why pay for a chopped onion from waitrose what you can pay to get a bag full of onions from elsewhere.


You don't have to be posh to shop at waitrose. Lazy and possible a bit stupid - but not posh ...

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I took the poshness test!


Going to the opera or ballet Aha! I go to both - so I must be posh! :suspect:


having a cleaner I could do with one! Does that count as aspiring posh?


wearing clothing brands such as Hackett or Barbour. I've heard of Barbour, but what's Hackett? I feel I'm going down in the posh stakes.


an interest in horses or sailing I'm allergic to horse hair, and sailing is so boring. I'm definitely not scoring well now on the poshness stakes.


greeting others with a kiss on both cheeks. :gag:


drinking Earl Grey or other specialist teas I don't drink tea (or coffee).



knowing what Prosecco is Is it an Italian sparkling wine, or maybe French, or maybe not sparkling? The truth is, I don't know (and don't really care)!



eating houmous. Hmm.. I've seen it on supermarket shelves. Can't remember if I've ever eaten it though.


went to Eton and vote Conservative* Definitely not!


That settles it - I'm not posh.... but does that mean I must be a chav?! :roll:


* I made that one up! :hihi:

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Not posh at all.


Always been breakfast, dinner, tea, supper for me. Although I do use lunch for work breaks because that meal is more like a snack than a proper meal.

Need someone to explain to me why some people pronounce scone as skon. Never understood that. You say cone and stone but for some reason certain people say skon - even though it is cone with an 's' at the front.


I find it really annoying as well.


Because that's how it should be said. Sc-ow-n sounds as wrong as when people pronounce book as b-ouw-k .

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Daily Telegraph definition of posh:


They are obsessed with deluding themselves they are posh, although they would never admit it.


Daily Mail definition of posh:


They delude themselves they are posh because they aren't Sun readers or asylum seekers and they own a £123421.57 mansion in the suburbs and they sometimes go on holiday abroad when they collect all the special tokens.

Sun definition of posh:


When the Page Three girl isn't a platinum blonde and is called Charlotte or Emily rather than Stacey or Nikki she is posh.


Sheffield definition of posh


Anyone who talks without a Northern accent or thinks going to Valley Centertainment for a date is a bit infra dig.

My own personal definition of posh:


Looked at this thread: http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=591915 and thought "I must be really posh because although I've been sick and ****** myself I've NEVER sh*t myself when drunk".

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Maybe if scone was spelled scoon or scon then the comparison with book would make sense. As it's spelt scone, like cone though...


But also spelt like 'gone' and 'none'.. but that's a different argument.




I think I used to be posh, when I was a child I learned to do ballet, ride wearing a barbour and sail and said bath etc with a long a. I blame my parents, they were brought up in posh households. They split up and down-poshed though! I love opera and have been to see countless operas and ballets.


Me and my husband laugh at how middle class our young kids seem when they say "Ooh I love houmous and olives". I think i have some posh cultural traits ingrained but am basically very middle class in terms of income and tastes etc.

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